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5 posts total
Alpine Linux

Alpine Linux is not affected by CVE-2024-3094 (backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma leading to ssh server compromise).

Alpine Linux

Update on the grub situation on Alpine Linux: has landed, which removes the problematic part of the configuration that resulted in grub crashing / restarting.


@alpinelinux hah, just today i hit it when upgrading from 3.19 to edge XD

Alpine Linux

Alpine Linux 3.19.0 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of Alpine Linux 3.19.0, the first in the v3.19 stable series.

Most notably it comes with Linux 6.6 as the new LTS kernel. For other changes, see:



cc @PseudoCube @8nlight у вас двоих вроде Alpine, если я нчо не путаю?

Alpine Linux

Alpine Linux 3.18 has been released.

- Linux 6.1, the new LTS kernel
- Kernel modules are now signed (but not yet enforced)
- musl 1.2.4 includes DNS over TCP support
- DT_RELR, resulting in smaller binaries

See for more information.

Thanks to everyone who contributed.


Alpine Linux

Hello Mastodon, we have our presence here now.

Alpine Linux 3.17.0 has been released.


- bash 5.2
- GCC 12
- Kea 2.2
- LLVM 15
- OpenSSL 3.0
- Perl 5.36
- PostgreSQL 15
- Node.js (lts/current) 18.12 /19.1
- Ceph 17.2
- GNOME 43
- Go 1.19
- KDE Plasma 5.26
- Rust 1.64
- .NET 7.0


Hello Mastodon, we have our presence here now.

Alpine Linux 3.17.0 has been released.


- bash 5.2
- GCC 12
- Kea 2.2
- LLVM 15
- OpenSSL 3.0
- Perl 5.36
- PostgreSQL 15
- Node.js (lts/current) 18.12 /19.1
- Ceph 17.2
- GNOME 43
- Go 1.19
- KDE Plasma 5.26
- Rust 1.64
- .NET 7.0

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