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10 posts total

@gardiner_bryant so true. Be kind to people

And by the way: almost 60 down, nice ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘

Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

@gardiner_bryant As someone on the opposite end who can't gain weight...fuck anyone like that

Gardiner Bryant

I have a such a negative opinion of jQuery.

It was useful for me as a beginner with JavaScript... but today its use in new projects is simply inexcusable.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@gardiner_bryant maybe it's because #JavaScript sucks and #jQuery was the first big framework that alleviated the burden of coding in it?

But that's just me guessing based off & @fuchsiii ...

Gardiner Bryant

Emily and I are LIVE tonight in an impromptu stream! She's playing Hades. Check it out!


@gardiner_bryant I may join you later, but if I don't get to it hope you guys have a great weekend, ๐Ÿ™‚

Gardiner Bryant

Emily are back with another week of live game streams playing on Steam Deck! Check us out here!

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Mike Sturm :fedora: :python:

@gardiner_bryant Excellent and balanced video pointing out the great advantages of Mastodonโ€™s decentralized model and the challenges it faces. It will be an interesting case study to highlight how well #FOSS can address those concerns. Iโ€™m betting on FOSS.

Kromeboy :commodore:

@gardiner_bryant I get it that for an average user there are a lot of problems in the Mastodon experience, but I don't think that the fediverse is something for mass adoption.

If you already are in a internet community (like a forum) then mastodon is the next step.

I think that one should have multiple accounts, and eventually share his post on multiple instances.

That said a good client to manage multiple accounts is needed.


@gardiner_bryant I did not miss. It was actually the reason why I made a Mastadon account yesterday.

Gardiner Bryant

Do you see this chart? I have been playing Steam Deck since February and it's basically all I play.

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@gardiner_bryant Where do you see that, the hardware survey?

Rassilonian Legate

This was mine, I last used windows 9 months ago and Haven't touched it sense


@gardiner_bryant It's similar for me too and I got my Steam Deck in end of September:

Gardiner Bryant

Workshopping a title for my next video. Looking for your thoughts.

1) Mastodon: the Linux of social media.
2) Mastodon isn't perfect. But it's better than Twitter in this key way.
3) Letโ€™s Talk About Mastodon.

Anonymous poll


158 people voted.
Voting ended 27 Dec 2022 at 2:16.
Gardiner Bryant

Merry Christmas and Happy Decemberween, friends!

Fratm :archlinux:

@gardiner_bryant Merry Christmas to you too Gardiner. :). And your s.o too :) loved your latest tissue paper Santa skit made me lol

Gardiner Bryant

I posted my last video with Emily here and on Twitter. I have nearly four times as many followers on Twitter... Yet my Mastodon post got three times the engagement.

It would have got ZERO engagement on Twitter if Emily hadn't liked and retweeted it.

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