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@gardiner_bryant great video. A very honest and insightful look at Mastodon. I love this place and hope some of the issues you mentioned can be resolved so it can live up to its potential.

Don_M :unverified: :kdenew:

@gardiner_bryant Excellent rundown of Mastodon and decentralization. I've seen the "doom and gloom" before on Discord about no genuine way to verify accounts like Twitter has/had to ensure those in journalism, for example, can't be spoofed at all or as easily in order to prevent the spread of misinformation. As you said, there are solutions that can be done :)

Mike Sturm :fedora: :python:

@gardiner_bryant Excellent and balanced video pointing out the great advantages of Mastodon’s decentralized model and the challenges it faces. It will be an interesting case study to highlight how well #FOSS can address those concerns. I’m betting on FOSS.

Kromeboy :commodore:

@gardiner_bryant I get it that for an average user there are a lot of problems in the Mastodon experience, but I don't think that the fediverse is something for mass adoption.

If you already are in a internet community (like a forum) then mastodon is the next step.

I think that one should have multiple accounts, and eventually share his post on multiple instances.

That said a good client to manage multiple accounts is needed.


@gardiner_bryant I did not miss. It was actually the reason why I made a Mastadon account yesterday.

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