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53 posts total
Thomas 🔭✨

Glad you asked!
- Faster loading websites
- Protection from malware in ads
- Fewer intrusive interruptions
- No privacy invasion from data mongers
- Incentivizing websites not to compete on a race to the bottom with ever more click-baity bullshit content


@thomasfuchs Tacky. Especially considering the source (but I respect your decision not to name this site 😊).

Chee Aun 🤔

@thomasfuchs wow how does the site know it's "Enhanced Tracking Protection"?

Thomas 🔭✨

"It’s impossible to sell other people’s cars without stealing them, therefore we must be allowed the business model of stealing cars"

Thomas 🔭✨

The last 10 years or so of tech:

2013: Blockchain! It's a like a database, but slower and worse!
2016: VR! It's like monitors, but slower and worse!
2021: NFTs! It's like pictures, but slower and worse!
2023: AI! It's like algorithms, but slower and worse!

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@thomasfuchs Mastodon it's like twitter but slower and worse!

Glenn Fleishman

@thomasfuchs I mean, NFTs are like broken links, but even worse than broken links.

Brennan Stehling

@thomasfuchs Somewhere XML and SOAP need to be on this list.

Thomas 🔭✨

You know what’s awesome? Every time I use my 1970s Hi-Fi stuff I just turn it on and it works.

There’s no updates to download and install, no notifications to swipe away and no Bluetooth that needs reconnecting.

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@thomasfuchs @MGraversen I agree and also have a fully analogue system, but you do miss out on conveniences as digital in, HDMI in and music streaming. All those require additional boxes. You win some you lose some. 😄👌🏻

Thomas 🔭✨

Ah yes, that most wonderful “why am I suddenly so tired and feel sick after seeing family over Christmas but didn’t wear a mask” time of the year is starting.

Dan 🔓:afloppy:​:donor:

@thomasfuchs I have a kid in daycare... I've been blowing my nose for months

Jan Lehnardt :couchdb:

@thomasfuchs and this right on the heels of “I don’t feel that sick and I can’t skip Christmas”. No relation.

Thomas 🔭✨

🥳 Happy 30th birthday, DOOM! 🎂

Thomas 🔭✨

Whenever someone is all “trans people wearing dresses is woke culture, in the past we were ‘proper’” I’m thinking of this literal dress armor from 1526.

Thomas 🔭✨

⚠️ 23andMe just sent out an email trying to trick customers into accepting a TOS change that will prevent you from suing them after they literally lost your genome ro thieves.

Do what it says in the email and email that you do not agree with the new terms of service and opt out of arbitration.

If you have an account with them, do this right now.

Here’s an email template for what to write:

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Alex Swan

@thomasfuchs You can infer acceptance through lack of response? I've got to add that clause to my job applications.

Rey, relocated 💜

@thomasfuchs is there a version of the letter template that isn't behind a paywall?

Rachel Rawlings

@thomasfuchs My brother signed us up for that thing years ago over my protest. The email I received had a mailto link for instead of the in your post and the Patreon page, which notes

> A reader points out that while the email directs recipients to "notify us" at "" the text of new the TOS says you must email ""

I'm sending to both on the same message just in case.

Thomas 🔭✨

Just learned what the user interfaces in the SpaceX capsules run.

The capsules that provide life support for people traveling into space and have to be absolutely reliable.

The user interface that controls an explosion.




It runs some home-compiled version of Chromium and the UI is written in JavaScript.

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Jake Hamilton

@thomasfuchs I love JavaScript, I write it for a living. But good lord these important systems should be several orders of magnitude simpler. Absolutely no reason for it to be running chromium with a web app...


They should try with RHEL for some reason 🙈
#iss 🧑‍🚀

DELETED you don't understand open source 🚀 went 👾 to 🌠 space 🤩
/i'm sorry/

Thomas 🔭✨

Good question, website!

1. Faster page loading
2. Content doesn't get obscured
3. Not getting tracked by data brokers
4. Not getting infected by ransomware via vulnerable ad networks
5. Forcing publishers to pursue sustainable revenue streams instead of racing to the click-bait bottom

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José 🇬🇾🟥 :CApride: 🟨 :progress: 🟩🇨🇦

No. 4 is THE most important of the bunch. Until they can guarantee that, their social contract is broken.

Also, to almost every commercial entity on the internet; the internet was not made for you.

Chuck Taggart, Private Eye

@thomasfuchs I fail to understand why people who put ads on websites that pop up and cover the content I am trying to read with either a static ad or worse, a video, do not themselves understand that when this happens the only thing I want is to make that fucking ad go away and I will never ever in my life buy anything that is advertised thusly.

Thomas 🔭✨

Periodic reminder to not use Google Chrome (they’re moderating bookmarks now)

Use Firefox or Safari, they have proper end-to-end encryption (browser maker can’t read the data) of bookmarks and other private and personal browsing information (like your passwords!).

I can’t stress enough just how ridiculous it is that most of you just hand Google your passwords to everything from your bank accounts to porn sites.

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John Socks

@thomasfuchs @asymco @dangoodin

If we start with the idea that a significant number of Google search users are on outdated, unpatched, and unprotected versions of Microsoft Windows, and we introduced the idea that a self-professed "torrent site" might in fact be a vector for malware ..

What would you actually want Google to do?

Help you bookmark that?


@thomasfuchs Good to know Safari is okay to use as well. Unfortunately, my employer requires us to use Chrome.

Thomas 🔭✨

Are you using Gravatar? (boost for reach)

Anonymous poll


Never heard of it
0 people voted.
Voting ended 12 Aug 2023 at 1:26.
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@thomasfuchs that's still a thing? I think I created one like ten years ago but had no use for it, so I voted no here on a technicality

Peter Bhat Harkins

@thomasfuchs Yes, for Lobsters, because spinning up a job system and independent vm to process images securely is such a large task.

Thomas 🔭✨

If you use Chrome, you’re supporting this utter shit (tl;dr Google is moving to ban adblockers by introducing DRM for websites):

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Dorky moo girl

@thomasfuchs I mean, I'd see it implemented happily.

Let's shit websites filter out themselves, because I am pretty sure Firefox will be blocked pretty quickly to enforce chrome (or one of it's derivatives) as the only standard.

Maybe we don't even need ad-blockers anymore, because the shit websites filter out themselves XD

Dorky moo girl

@thomasfuchs Fun thing though

"How will we prevent this signal from being used to exclude vendors?" talks about excluding certain browsers, because it's very clear which browser is used.

Would be funny to use their own tech to block chrome browsers though, with a warning "You are supporting anti-privacy browsers! Please use a better browser."

Morothar ⚨

@thomasfuchs While I understand where you're coming from, putting the blame on the end-users (99% of whom have no idea about these things) really rubs me the wrong way.

Thomas 🔭✨

This AirBnB has these high-end late-80s kitchen appliances that all look like they’ve basically never been used.

The controls are so satisfying, all real knobs and dials with amazing haptics.

Thomas 🔭✨

If modern games came on 360k floppy disks, Diablo IV would be about 220,000 disks, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 close to 900,000.

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A L Katz

@thomasfuchs And, boy-oh-boy, would loading that onto your computer be TEDIOUS!

Pusher Of Pixels

@thomasfuchs old enough that I once received a customer database backup on 200+ 5.25" to 'fix'

Григорий Клюшников

Never used the large floppies but remembering how infuriatingly slow the 1.44-MB ones were, it would take months to install, even if you don't count the time you'll spend swapping disks.

Thomas 🔭✨

I badly want this style of user elements to come back to iOS and the Mac (screenshot of dimensional search field from visionOS)

Dwight Silverman

@thomasfuchs That design makes a lot of sense for a 3D UI. For for a 2D one…?

Thomas 🔭✨

Apple already had a “spatial” operating system, it was called Mac OS X.

Clear visual hierarchies, buttons looks like buttons, text fields like text fields, icons are dimensional…

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