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Bertrand Meyer
We lost a titan of programming languages, programming methodology, software engineering and hardware design. Niklaus Wirth passed away on the first of January. We mourn a pioneer, colleague, mentor and friend

Aw. Go write some Pascal today (I'd write some Modula-2 if gcc would ship) (I've never got too far into
because it needs a VM)

#pascal #NiklausWirth

Bertrand Meyer
We lost a titan of programming languages, programming methodology, software engineering and hardware design. Niklaus Wirth passed away on the first of January. We mourn a pioneer, colleague, mentor and friend

Aw. Go write some Pascal today (I'd write some Modula-2 if gcc would ship) (I've never got too far into
because it needs a VM)

Roger Sen

@mdhughes Wirth is dead. A giant is no more.

It鈥檚 time to re-read and apply A Plea for Lean Software.

rob pike

@mdhughes I'll really miss him. He was one of the good ones, always supportive and interested in what people were working on. A quiet, gentle man who could surprise you on occasion with a deeply amusing story to deflate some famous personage. Also, by the way, a profoundly influential computer scientist. And Pascal's weird I/O wasn't really his fault.


@mdhughes Gnah. As if I had a feeling with my Turbo Pascal journey earlier today... strange.

Digital Mark 位 馃摎 馃暪 馃捑 馃

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