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Alex Gleason
@burner @alex @Dan_Hulson

On Nostr, accounts are totally different. You get a public key and private key, so no. Those credentials work anywhere , decentralized.

The database is completely different and more secure/private, so no.

Nostr has DM's but I don't see that in Soapbox yet.
@burner @alex @Dan_Hulson

On Nostr, accounts are totally different. You get a public key and private key, so no. Those credentials work anywhere , decentralized.
Alex Gleason
Nostrify Moderation Policies just dropped:

(based on the old strfry-policies library, modernized)
Alex Gleason
Nostrify Moderation Policies just dropped:

(based on the old strfry-policies library, modernized)
Alex Gleason
Should we add support for Ghost to the bridge? 👀
Alex Gleason
Browsing the Bitcoin hashtag in #Ditto (WIP)
Alex Gleason
Got #Ditto up and running with Postgres this weekend. 👀
Alex Gleason
I gave up on SQLite and swiched to Postgres and it magically started working after months of fighting.
Alex Gleason
Deno.KV storage just dropped in #Nostrify thanks to work by xyzshantaram 👀
Alex Gleason
How can we know the exact second a solar eclipse is going to happen from anywhere in the world but only have a "rough estimate" for the Bitcoin Halving?
Alex Gleason
Yeah I'm a vegan with hardcore achievements in Super Meat Boy. We exist.
Alex Gleason
It took me so long to realize what the phrase "to have your cake and eat it too" means. Because the idea of having a cake and then eating it is not a luxury.
Alex Gleason
People of Nostr,

I have created a bad ass new Nostr library in TypeScript. It's built around carefully designed interfaces so the parts can be swapped in and out. It's documented extensively.

Check it out here!
Alex Gleason
I have so many ideas that I can't possibly do them all. But I'm trying very hard. If you're a coder looking for work, drop me a link to your personal website or projects.
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