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1,524 posts total
Alex Gleason
It took me so long to realize what the phrase "to have your cake and eat it too" means. Because the idea of having a cake and then eating it is not a luxury.
Alex Gleason
People of Nostr,

I have created a bad ass new Nostr library in TypeScript. It's built around carefully designed interfaces so the parts can be swapped in and out. It's documented extensively.

Check it out here!
Alex Gleason
I have so many ideas that I can't possibly do them all. But I'm trying very hard. If you're a coder looking for work, drop me a link to your personal website or projects.
Alex Gleason
Based vs cringe really just comes down to marketing
Alex Gleason
Converting a Ghost webhook into a Nostr longform event. Not hard at all. The hard part is signing it.
Alex Gleason
That grandson's name: Albert Einstein.
Alex Gleason
Nintendo has never acknowledged fans except when suing them.
Alex Gleason
Nostr database benchmark SQLite vs Postgres.
Alex Gleason
Life is an anime. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Alex Gleason
Every few years when I hear this song it brings a tear to my eye. 🥲
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