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1,524 posts total
Alex Gleason
Stores these days have Bacon Cucumber Mac & Cheese Buffalo Ranch Chips and no pickle chips.
Alex Gleason
For a long time people have criticized and attacked me for my work on the Fediverse. And my response was always "I'm just a guy who lives in an apartment."

Well today I'm proud to announce, that I'm now a guy living in a house.


You go soy boi...

Congrats Alex, add i hope you get your fiber soon too (no pun intended lolz).


Alex Gleason
Got a cool account moderation modal in the works 👀 :soapbox:
Alex Gleason
I'm a nonconformist and society has been trying to kill me since day 1. They want to force me into a little box and when they can't, they try to eradicate me. They resent the life I've struggled to build for myself outside their stupid system.

You know, in that way I'm actually not much different from a tranny, it's just my gender is Alex Gleason.
Alex Gleason
:gleasonator: My server is fixed and not fucked up anymore.

Upgrading to Postgres 14 fixed it. So if you're still on 12 and running a server, you should upgrade.

Thanks for your patience.
Alex Gleason
Annnnd we're back!

I'm going to edit this post.

EDIT: I edited it.
Alex Gleason
6 years ago Mastodon described itself as "A GNU Social-compatible microblogging server" which is hilarious.
Alex Gleason
Every time he says this, I cannot help but to smile. Because I know it's a strange phrase of endearment.

Alex Gleason
Looks like @mkljczk is working on bringing federated Mobilizon-compatible events to Soapbox BE. 👀
Alex Gleason
I'm still banned from Pleroma's GitLab, and I decided to write about it. Take a look.
Bill St. Clair

When GitHub started highlighting, I started including that file in my repositories. My version is two words: “Be kind.”
OrangeManBad 🇷🇴🇨🇦
I've always thought Pleroma is a better Mastodon without the woke and sjw bullshit. Can you fork Pleroma and make a sane version without the identity politics attached to it? Politically neutral free software would be nice for a change.
Alex Gleason
So, Mastodon changed their official color scheme to match Truth Social.
@alex from the creator of gab and truth social Gargron is proud to present mastodon.
Alex Gleason

Finally figured out the cause of FireFox Android performance issues in new Soapbox.

It’s the fucking background gradient. Removing that speeds up scrolling through feeds tenfold, I shit you not.

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