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1,524 posts total
Alex Gleason
If you're too young to remember this don't talk to me about politics.
@alex There was a time in america when being a kid was fun
Alex Gleason
The kids this year are gonna love me.
Alex Gleason
This is pretty cute, if I wanted to build something basic and interactive without React:
Alex Gleason
It's interesting how Gitea is the superior fork to the point people forgot Gogs even exists.
Alex Gleason
I self-hosted Gogs before it was cool.
Alex Gleason
The Green Lacewing is such a cool insect. Looks pretty (like a fairy) and destroys bad insects.
Alex Gleason
Been certain my dog is an alien for a while. Finally got him some headgear to connect him with his people.
Alex Gleason
:gleasonator: Having trouble with my server. Plz be patient.
Alex Gleason
Trying to get fiber to my house. Comcast told me it'll take 3 months before I get an answer and cost $320/mo. AT&T told me I would have to petition the city to get fiber. Like by going up and down the street getting people to sign a petition.
Alex Gleason
Bro this system has so many cores htop doesn't display it properly. This thing is an absolute BEAST.
Alex Gleason
If you want to learn digital graphics, I recommend you ignore Adobe and learn Inkscape and Krita instead.

Great Inkscape tutorials here:
I only draw in krita. Inkscape=learn keybinds/make keybinds
Someone, @keith, told me to stop being silly a year ago.
Alex Gleason
Changing your legal name to Jose Gutierrez is the IRL equivalent of Tor.
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