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George Laskowsky

I am so sick of AI related news. Why on earth people wants to replace the best parts of humanity with auto generated low quality sameness.
The last time I saw there was no shortage of new music, paintings, writing, etc. Please use AI to improve human life not to replace it.

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@glaskows Think it for a moment. People who always have felt that creators are an special category now can do it better whitout effort and say to that "smarty-pants" In your face.

The common of people aren't thinking about the next step. They 're only excited about the possibilities open for them, not the consequences.

Alex Chaffee



my hope for AI is that it will automate away some tedious aspects of creativity and enable more experimentation and exploration (vs exploitation); the bad outcomes, as usual, will come from people who primarily want to use it to make money (vs to make art)

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