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George Laskowsky

I am so sick of AI related news. Why on earth people wants to replace the best parts of humanity with auto generated low quality sameness.
The last time I saw there was no shortage of new music, paintings, writing, etc. Please use AI to improve human life not to replace it.

Rodrigo Petunio

@glaskows I dont know, because we all take the bait? It's got all the hallmarks Crypto and NFT news used to have too : FOMO, "its already here", "few will understand", "its the future!" and "can it replace X??"

Sebastian {DarkMetatron}

It is not replacing but enabling more people to create art by describing the idea they have in their mind to the computer.
Sure it is not on the level of a professional artist, but lightyears better then everything I could create by hand.
So for me AI is improving my life, because it gives me possibilities and choices I didn't have before.

Yo Mismo :kali_linux_g:

@glaskows low quality sameness???? I thought AI was able to do certain kind of tasks better than we humans.

Mikko Karvonen

@glaskows Because it allows the hoarders to control content creation, along with everything else. They are not interested in the creativity or the quality, they just want the content because the purpose of the content is not to enrich life, but to give an excuse to monetise our attention. I.e. more ads.


@glaskows Not everyone possesses the required skills or dexterity to operate various instruments, or the ability to produce the vocals they want.
I see these AIs as tools, like so many others, and they're progressing at an incredible rate, so it's interesting to me, as a person interested in art, enablement and technology.

8Petros [I Am Not Lefthanded]_
@glaskows CERTAIN people want it for CERTAIN OTHER people. If you add these modifiers to your question it will be much easier to unpack motivations and goals.
Steven D Rowe 🇨🇦​:CApride:​

@glaskows I feel the same. I’ve only used in-application AI to enhance old photos of my family from the 1930’s. I know when I get older and potentially have dementia photos will mean a lot to me.


@glaskows It's just replacing the already boring stuff so you can focus on more depth.

Like computers once did or fire before it :D


@glaskows boy do I have bad news for you about literally every human invention since the dawn of time.

Sean Riley


Its not people really, it’s really capital.


@glaskows lemme throw you to history a little...
in last century everything went a little worse to be understood by lower-knowledge/lower-money people because of trying to reduce poverty. it didnt stopped yet cause there still are innovations. and as long as there is a difference between poorer people and rich there will always be lower and quality content. imagine that a poorer person have a picture on a wall made by AI but rich one have hand-painted. it will stick for all time but i dont think AI will replace humanity fully. AI is managed by rich, so they will sadly stay...

@glaskows lemme throw you to history a little...
in last century everything went a little worse to be understood by lower-knowledge/lower-money people because of trying to reduce poverty. it didnt stopped yet cause there still are innovations. and as long as there is a difference between poorer people and rich there will always be lower and quality content. imagine that a poorer person have a picture on a wall made by AI but rich one have hand-painted. it will stick for all time but i dont think AI...

Amini Allight

@glaskows I'm getting very sick of AI news too but I disagree there's no shortage of music... I listen to music for most of my waking hours and there isn't anywhere close to enough new music (in styles I like) to fill it all. I see a gap AI could fit into there, in a way I don't for text or visual art.

Joe C.

Don't worry. The artistic features of AI will be used in PowerPoint presentations by suits and porn by reddit incels. 👍🏻



big corporations has invested heavily in certain types of software, and then some people realised that they might have done so in a criminal way and initiated litigation

when legal departments had mulled over these litigations they found it could at best go either way so executives decided to launch the half-assed products they'd already made and pay for a massive mass-media mediated hype to undermine the litigations, get free labour and also undermine regulatory efforts in the eu



it's not that they want something in particular, that's not how corporations work

it's that they've spent a lot and now they find a pressing and desperate need to try and make a profit out of it so they'll do whatever to seduce the less resistant among us into helping them out

Ethan Heilman

Most of the recent developments have been letting humans interact with computers using natural language. That frees up an enormous amount of time, and in some respects, levels the playing field in computer interaction assuming equal access to such tools.

My main short term concern is the lack of a safety net for office workers, lawyers and engineers whose jobs become automated.


@glaskows Predominantly there is a major dearth of specific media, and it's fun to create high quality stuff to fill that need.

Not everything already exists.


@JigenD Typing a sentence fragment so an algorithm can remix imagery from stolen art is the worst possible definition of “create.”

We might as well say “tap Shuffle to create music.”


@vorsos your ignorant reply to this conversation is far worse than AI art. Your ignorance is astounding and offensive,



Here, here! As an artist I applaud this message!

Kris Samsel

@glaskows AI can do many things fast. Blueprints to schematics. Write a book. Lie to your spouse! 😆 I don’t use it. I won’t. Siri is AI. Damn!

sofia ☮️🏴

@glaskows it's not AI reaseach that wants to "replace the best parts of humanity with auto generated low quality sameness.", that's what bosses and governments want.

the more dull and predictable our lives become, the better we are to control. i for one hope AI can give us some new interesting wrenches to throw into their gears.

zephyr :verified_paw:

@glaskows just why are the most powerful always the ones seeking control over the people? who in the fuck allowed this?

Dell Cameron 🐈‍⬛

@glaskows you’d think once it started writing code by itself the developers would go “oh wait that’s my job”

I am Jack's Lost 404


I heard this in regard to arts education funding but I think it also applies here:

They want to cut funding for arts education because it encourages political/critical thinking.

Translation: they want to cut real interaction to homogenize the outputs to discourage political/critical thinking

Michael T Babcock

@glaskows I think this is a misreading of why people love it -- it allows non artists to feel creative without gaining the necessary skills.


@glaskows same reason why tips of control rods in Chernobyl were made of graphite - it's cheaper


@glaskows the problem is who is investing on AI, companies only care about automatizing their processes. I agree that we need to support AI projects that are not linked to companies necessities. But who will put the money?


@glaskows if this is a plea to the same people that considered machine developed code as the way of the future, then we're not going to slow them down. They couldn't care less about human effort. Thousands of industries know their ilk, and know there's no reasoning that will overcome unstoppable wairua.


@glaskows Think it for a moment. People who always have felt that creators are an special category now can do it better whitout effort and say to that "smarty-pants" In your face.

The common of people aren't thinking about the next step. They 're only excited about the possibilities open for them, not the consequences.

Alex Chaffee



my hope for AI is that it will automate away some tedious aspects of creativity and enable more experimentation and exploration (vs exploitation); the bad outcomes, as usual, will come from people who primarily want to use it to make money (vs to make art)

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