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Remember when we had to rewind our DVD disks after watching a movie or listening to music, so it will start from the beginning?

When I was a kid, my sister forgot to rewind a Lion King DVD and when I wanted to watch it, it spoiled me the ending. :(

@a1ba I wish more people remembered good old times culture and rewound YouTube videos after watching them.

They would start so much faster for the next viewer.

>having less code means having less responsibilities

That's why (after so much nagging from my colleague @mittorn) our embedded custom distro, based on poky-tiny, has

no systemd :chad:
no udev :chad2:
no pipewire/pulseaudio :gigachad1:
no x11/wayland :chad0:
not even gnu coreutils :gigachad2:
and uses only mainline versions of free software :indian_chad:

and it boots to main graphic application in three seconds
>having less code means having less responsibilities

That's why (after so much nagging from my colleague @mittorn) our embedded custom distro, based on poky-tiny, has

@a1ba Вот вам смищно, а я буквально недавно, переставляя принтур, воткнул «не глядя» USB Tybe B в RJ45 😱 🤣 🖨️ ❓ 🤔

How would you call a person who posts same memes as you?

The memesis.
I'm gonna sue Jessica Alba for identity theft.

There can be only one Alba.

@a1ba вообще, если задуматься, в целом, в этом есть смысл…

Вернее, нет смысла делать переход состояния самого в себя…

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