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Dan York

Advocates for #ActivityPub - IF YOU HAVE A #WORDPRESS SITE, have you installed the ActivityPub plugin?

At the State of the Word address this week, Matt Mullenweg was asked about support for the plugin, and he commented that less than 5,000 sites had installed it. So he wasn't sure how interested people are in it.

So... if you have a WP site, let's start installing that plugin and making more sites available via ActivityPub! 😀

#StateOfTheWord #SotW

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@danyork For most sites it's a rather useless plugin. If you have a multi-author classic blog with comments turned on, it's a good plugin. If you use Wordpress to create any other kind of webpage, it doesn't really help you and you are better off using Mastodon (along with other kind of social media) to get attention to your content.

Four Bricks Tall

@danyork I enabled mine but had to get the web host involved to get it to work on shared hosting.

FAQs were sparse a few months ago and I didn't really understand that all I was doing at the time was having my posts show up here. I couldn't interact as my blog (just learned about Friends plugin last week though).

Comments are off on my blog because spam isn't worth it so adding the ActivityPub plugin didn't make any sense to me.

Checking now, my follow to my own blog is still "Pending".



My _mother's_ WP site has this.

If anyone is interested in following a Canadian singer/songwriter, her blog is here:


Dan York

This count of Mastodon users has now crossed over 13,000,000 🎉🎉🎉.… and it is fascinating to see the big burst over the past couple of days with all the self-inflicted chaos on the birdsite!

(Keeping in mind that at 13 million, it is still a “rounding error” (i.e. a small fraction) when compared to huge sites like Facebook… but it is still very awesome to see! Looking forward to the future!)

From: @mastodonusercount

This count of Mastodon users has now crossed over 13,000,000 🎉🎉🎉.… and it is fascinating to see the big burst over the past couple of days with all the self-inflicted chaos on the birdsite!

(Keeping in mind that at 13 million, it is still a “rounding error” (i.e. a small fraction) when compared to huge sites like Facebook… but it is still very awesome to see! Looking forward to the future!)

Dan York

Wow! This is an *amazing* opportunity for the right person! I mean… helping Mozilla lead their entrance into Mastodon / the Fediverse… and doing so while creating a positive social experience!

PLEASE SHARE THIS with people you think might be good candidates. Let’s help Mozilla!

From: @jamesid

Dan York

Ha! I think the winner of "best headline" for articles covering the current chaos in Congress is this:

"GOP learns the hard way: Turning the base up too high blows out your Speaker" 🤣

Dan York

I like that Matt Mullenweg is asking the question of how Tumblr could potentially integrate with Mastodon and/or bluesky.

In my view, it would be great if Tumblr could support ActivityPub and join into the Fediverse.

It would also be great if Tumblr supported embedding toots.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@danyork please tell him how they can implement AP.

Bluesky is pie in the sky. Fediverse's been here forever.

Dan York

Ask yourself 2 questions:

1. What % of your time / content / toots is building people up? Encouraging? Educating? Helping?

2. What % of your time / content / toots is tearing people down? Criticizing? Snark? Ridiculing?

I believe the % that dominates defines the type of world you want to live in.

[Note: I'm NOT talking about being naively positive or wearing "rose-colored glasses". We can and MUST ask hard questions and call out injustice, but it is the WAY in which we do it that matters.]

Dan York

So... anyone else struggling a bit with productivity during these pandemic times? I'm finding myself feeling like I'm walking through molasses (or quicksand!) when it comes to creating content (blog posts, podcasts, documents). Trying to turn that around...

Darius Kazemi

@danyork I think this is true of the vast majority of people!

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