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7 posts total
Ian Wagner πŸ¦€ :freebsd: :osm:

Ooh! What’s this?! Automatic localization of weekday format based on location?! Love it @everydoor :)

Ian Wagner πŸ¦€ :freebsd: :osm:

Anyone in my network looking for a development gig? I can put you in touch.

Ian Wagner πŸ¦€ :freebsd: :osm:

Only one week to go (ack! Prep remains!) to my next live geospatial workshop! Join live or watch archived after the fact to learn about developing mobile SDKs in Rust, mobile turn-by-turn navigation, and more :)

Ian Wagner πŸ¦€ :freebsd: :osm:

That was a productive few minutes waiting for the express bus to arrive 😊

#openstreetmap @everydoor

Ian Wagner πŸ¦€ :freebsd: :osm:

ICYMI, I did a talk last weekend on the open-source Valhalla routing engine, and how the combination of open-source software and open data (via @openstreetmap) give you immense flexibility – even if you're not a software developer!

Recording link:

Bart Louwers

@ianthetechie @openstreetmap Really nice presentation! Now I wonder, would you have busted out #QGIS if the audience was primary software devs, or would you have given a completely different presentation?

Made something nice: the way from where I used to lived as a child to my primary school (red car, blue bicycle). Neatly segregated networks for each mode. πŸ™‚


@ianthetechie ahhhh what is this OOK link at the bottom? That's not a terrible searchable name. Can you decode the link please? My QR code scanner doesn't want to with this picture... πŸ˜…


What's about MapComplete. I increase my edits considerably using Mapcomplete. Additionally you can add pictures to OSM.
#MapComplete #osm #OpenStreetMap

Ian Wagner πŸ¦€ :freebsd: :osm:

If you're building maps using MapLibre in Swift, I'd love for you to have a look at this new project:

Two weekends into hacking on it and we've now got a good chunk of the basics. You can create a map, change the style, add a polyline overlay, and change the camera (with limited animation support).

The faster we can validate the SwiftUI DSL on use cases, the faster the road to stabilization :) Let's make it *fun* and easy to build maps with code!

#maps #SwiftUI

If you're building maps using MapLibre in Swift, I'd love for you to have a look at this new project:

Two weekends into hacking on it and we've now got a good chunk of the basics. You can create a map, change the style, add a polyline overlay, and change the camera (with limited animation support).

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