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5 posts total
clarity flowers

fucked up that you can’t listen to background music while working on music


@clarity I know that feel! But sometimes I manage to multitask :)

clarity flowers

really wish people knew the difference between “accessibility” and “mass-market appeal” as concepts


@clarity I've been trying to articulate this for a long time, and never quite could in a coherent way. Thank you.

clarity flowers

thoroughly exhausted by contemporary fantasy & sci fi aesthetics & conceits

clarity flowers

Hi! I'm a senior full-stack webdev looking for a job that can offer one (or more!) of the following:

• contract work (ideally 3-6 months)
• part-time work (20-25 hours a week)
• work outside of traditional tech industry and culture
• nonprofits, coops, and other non-public non-venture-capital organizations
• engineering teams that are majority women or majority queer
• a $250,000 salary or better

Please lmk if you have any leads!


Boosts appreciated

Hi! I'm a senior full-stack webdev looking for a job that can offer one (or more!) of the following:

• contract work (ideally 3-6 months)
• part-time work (20-25 hours a week)
• work outside of traditional tech industry and culture
• nonprofits, coops, and other non-public non-venture-capital organizations
• engineering teams that are majority women or majority queer
• a $250,000 salary or better

clarity flowers

I wrote about using browsers without tabs, and the relationship between convenience, scale, and alienation:

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