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2 posts total

Dear hardware tinkerer fediverse. <3 Can I just draw power from a USB power bank? As in: just solder two pins from another device that currently feeds of a 5V DC (probably around 500mA) power brick to the + and - of a USB cable and it will work or is there more fairy dust to it and I need some kind of active device in the mix? (Retoots appreciated, will retweet the answer in this thread)

tastytea A normal USB-plug will get you 500 mA, if you short the 2 data pins in the middle you will get 1000 mA. Everything above that requires negotiation, as far as i know.


@bascht no that should work, but you will probably want a USB-cable and a USB-connector on your board, if you are designing it yourself. Otherwise there are USB to barrel plug cables.

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