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43 posts total

Is anyone working on a Facebook-style alternative for the Fediverse, so that people would have a clear path to move from FB to Fedi?

I know there's Friendica, but that seems to be more focused on compatibility with multiple networks rather than welcoming newbies.

(Wonder if it could be done by forking Mastodon to have long form posts, photo albums etc? Not a dev so apologies if this is a bad idea 😁 )

Josef Davies-Coates

@FediFollows had a look the other day afaict it doesn't really exist yet. People say Friendica, Hubzilla, Zap etc, but none of them really do Facebook-like groups (which is what an alternative for is needed imho). The best thing I found was but that's not part of the . It looks like @grishka's project is headed in the right direction though, see e.g.


Lemmy is a free open source federated alternative to Reddit. You can follow their official account at:

➡️ @LemmyDev

You can try the flagship instance at

They have now introduced federation between Lemmy instances, so people on one Lemmy instance can interact with people on others. (They are working on federating with the rest of the Fediverse later.)


PixelFed is a free, open source Fediverse alternative to Instagram. You can follow PixelFed here:

➡️ @pixelfed

You can join a PixelFed instance at

The official site is at

You can self-host your own instance, instructions are here:

Managed PixelFed instance hosting (for non-technical people) is here:

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