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43 posts total

Academics! Science people! πŸŽ“ πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬ πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬

There are some curated lists of academics and scientists to follow on Mastodon here:


(Originally shared by @kcarruthers but reposted so that I can pin the link on my account)

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@FediFollows @kcarruthers I’m an academic And I just left #Twitter to join here. I hope this is a new place to bring civility, science, and facts to the critically important discussions of our times.


RSS fans!

You can get RSS feeds of any specific tag in by adding /feed/ to the end of the tag's URL.

For example the tag for "Gardening" is at the URL: if you wanted to use RSS to track all new gardening accounts, the feed would be:

When new accounts are added to tags you follow like this, they will appear in your RSS feed.

#RSS #Fediverse #Mastodon


Hey, you might want to check out the other directories on here too. The newest one is's at:


It works in a really clever way, it's sort of self-service:

You fill in your own hashtags on your profile, then you add a special hashtag too so that notices you, then you submit your profile.

It's a very quick submission process because of this. More instructions on the site!

#Mastodon #Fediverse

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Haha. Just saw this pop up in my feed. How timely.



@FediFollows reminds me of how Yahoo! worked when it was the best way to search the web.


Hello new people! πŸ‘‹

I run a human-curated directory of interesting accounts to follow on here:


Do you have an account that posts a lot about a particular topic? Would you like to be listed in the directory?

If so, reply or @ me or send me a DM and let me know!

(The site only went live a few days ago so some topics are less populated than others, but this is why I am working on expanding it!)

Boosts appreciated :blobcat:

#Fediverse #Mastodon


New people! Here's how to fill your timeline:

-Follow hashtags if your server supports it. You can do this by logging in through the website, searching for a tag, then clicking the + in the top right corner. New posts with those tags will appear in your timeline.

-Find interesting people on directories:

-On the official Masto app, click πŸ” and browse the trending posts, tags and Community

-On the website, click Explore

New people! Here's how to fill your timeline:

-Follow hashtags if your server supports it. You can do this by logging in through the website, searching for a tag, then clicking the + in the top right corner. New posts with those tags will appear in your timeline.

-Find interesting people on directories:


p.s. If your server doesn't support tag follows yet, it is being rolled out to everyone in the next update, which is due out soon.


WordPress advice needed πŸ€“

I'm trying to find a way to get a "copy to clipboard" button onto, and lots of people suggested this plugin:

Any red flags here?

I really just need a simple button next to addresses so that people can quickly copy-and-paste them, especially on phones where selecting stuff is a bit more fiddly.

#WordPress #AskFedi


Okay, so... I have a bit of an announcement.

I've created a website for FediFollows which has all the accounts I've ever recommended (that are still working!) organised into nice topics and tags:


You can browse the main directory or the top 100 tags page. (Also considering adding an "all tags" page, if there's demand.)

Please let me know what you think! Any feedback very welcome πŸ™

(This is why I haven't posted in a few days! πŸ˜… )


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Madame v. Malware 🐰

@FediFollows This, this is exactly why I have my post notifications on for this account. Good stuff!

Eva Meitner - Conductor

@FediFollows wonderful! Could you also add Classical Music please? That would be awesome!

FediFollows is a non-profit hosting site for FOSS projects. You can follow at:

➑️ @Codeberg

Their website is at

Codeberg is a very large instance of Gitea, the self-hostable code hosting platform. You can also follow them at:

➑️ @gitea

Gitea's website is at

Gitea is testing federation through ActivityPub, which will make it part of the Fediverse! 🀞

#Codeberg #Gitea #Dev #FOSS #FLOSS #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Forges #SelfHosting


Karrot is a free open source online platform for organising community volunteering and initiatives such as food sharing etc. You can follow at:

➑️ @karrot

To use Karrot, you can join an existing Karrot-powered site or start your own.

There's a flagship Karrot site at with many existing community groups on it.

If you want to start your own site, you can get the code at

#Karrot #Community #Activism #NGOs #CoOp #FOSS #FLOSS #Libre #FreeSoftware


If you appreciate FediFollows, or my other projects @feditips, @FediVideos and, you can buy me a coffee at: :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

It works with any currency and there's no need to register.

Alternatively, you can be a patron at



Buntnuk is a watercolour artist who often paints urban and rural scenes. You can follow at:

➑️ @Buntnuk (in English and German)

#Buntnuk #Art #Artist #Artists #Painting #Watercolour #Watercolours #Watercolor #Watercolors #Deutsch


Drachenmagier is a freelance artist who creates beautiful images with traditional methods, often with fantasy themes. You can follow at:

➑️ @drachenmagier

They have a website at

#Drachenmagier #Art #Artist #Artists #Fantasy #Dragon #Dragons #Drawing #TraditionalArt


#FollowFriday / #FF recap of this week's recommended follows:

🌟 @tickfoot - Gardener and permaculture enthusiast, growing your own food etc.

🌟 & & - Free open source password manager

🌟 @vs_everyone - Bot posting unusual crossovers of characters from popular culture

🌟 @posiputt - Artist creating lovely doodles, often featuring foxes

🌟 @letstalkphilosophy - Videos about famous philosophers

🌟 @AntennaPod - Free open podcast manager app for Android

#FollowFriday / #FF recap of this week's recommended follows:

🌟 @tickfoot - Gardener and permaculture enthusiast, growing your own food etc.

🌟 & & - Free open source password manager

🌟 @vs_everyone - Bot posting unusual crossovers of characters from popular culture


AntennaPod is a free open source podcast manager app for Android devices. You can follow at:

➑️ @AntennaPod

There's more info on the website at

It's available through @fdroidorg and Google Play.

#AntennaPod #Podcast #Podcasts #Podcasting #FOSS #FLOSS #Libre #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Apps #Android


@FediFollows @AntennaPod @fdroidorg Before, I used another podcast app on android that suffered from multiple glitches and wouldn't reliably autoplay when connecting to my car's Bluetooth. I've had no such issues with Antennapod, it's a simple straightforward podcast app that just works.


@FediFollows @AntennaPod Definitely giving this a try. I've been looking.


Gdquest posts tutorial videos on how to use @godotengine and other free open source game development tools. You can follow at:

➑️ @gdquest

If the videos aren't yet visible from your server, you can see them all at

(Note if you followed this account before March 2022, it is highly recommended you unfollow and re-follow due to a Fediverse bug.)

#GDQuest #GameDev #Videos #Gaming #Godot #PeerTube #PeerTubers #FOSS #FLOSS #Libre #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Development

Gdquest posts tutorial videos on how to use @godotengine and other free open source game development tools. You can follow at:

➑️ @gdquest

If the videos aren't yet visible from your server, you can see them all at

(Note if you followed this account before March 2022, it is highly recommended you unfollow and re-follow due to a Fediverse bug.)


#FollowFriday / #FF recap of this week's recommended follows:

🌟 & - City and landscape photographer from Madrid (in Spanish)

🌟 & - Metal musician and artist

🌟 @GrumpyMark - Beautiful digital oil paintings

🌟 @godotengine - Free open source 3D/2D game engine

🌟 @milliways - Volunteer group supplying food, drink and infrastructure to hacker camps (images of food)

🌟 @Ailantd - Illustrator, creates sci-fi machines and characters

#FollowFriday / #FF recap of this week's recommended follows:

🌟 & - City and landscape photographer from Madrid (in Spanish)

🌟 & - Metal musician and artist

🌟 @GrumpyMark - Beautiful digital oil paintings


Today's recommended follows:

🌟 @boilingsteam - News site / podcast about Linux gaming on PCs and Steam Deck

🌟 @wesley - Livestreaming account about programming, gaming, music etc.

🌟 @holypangolin - Indie studio creating small games, animations, illustrations and handmade art

🌟 (main) & (videos) - EU agency in charge of IT and digital services within the European Commission

🌟 @ritualdust - Illustrator, crafter, tattoo artist, creator of Fantômes zine about ghost stories

Today's recommended follows:

🌟 @boilingsteam - News site / podcast about Linux gaming on PCs and Steam Deck

🌟 @wesley - Livestreaming account about programming, gaming, music etc.

🌟 @holypangolin - Indie studio creating small games, animations, illustrations and handmade art

🌟 (main) & (videos) - EU agency in charge of IT and digital services within the European Commission


Today's recommended follows:

🌟 @tblock - Free open source ad-blocker, platform-independent

🌟 @yekuhl - Gardener and solarpunk/permaculture fan, does seed swaps

🌟 @bodega - Bot generating Silicon Valley headlines every three hours

🌟 & - Freelance illustrator and digital painter, creates lovely surreal images

🌟 @ELA - European Labour Authority, EU agency which co-ordinates enforcement and monitoring of labour laws


Swanye is a new project to make a Fediverse alternative to Tumblr. You can follow the project at:

➑️ @Swanye

It's still very very early days, pre-alpha, but you can take a look at the code so far at

#Swanye #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Tumblr #Alternatives #FOSS #FLOSS #Libre #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #TumbleLog #SocialMedia


Goldfish is a brand new project trying to create a short video clip sharing service for the Fediverse (sort of a free open source alternative to TikTok or Vine). You can follow the project at:

➑️ @Goldfish

There is a *very* rough first draft test site at and an example public profile at

#Goldfish #FOSS #FLOSS #Libre #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Fediverse #ActivityPub #TikTok #Vine #SocialMedia #SocialNetwork #SocialNetworks


@FediFollows @Goldfish ahh thank you for this! ❀️

As for the past 5/6 days im working on it / learning for over 14 hours per day! πŸ’ͺ :blobcathearts:

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