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87 posts total
Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

One of the latest updates broke #WINE on my #Fedora machine. My attempt at fixing it only made things worse, so I went and wiped it completely off the system.

While it's not unusual for updates to break things in Linux, now I don't have Scrivener on my laptop, only on the Windows desktop. :(


P.S.: Also, it's impossible to register an account on the #WineHQ forum (instantly flagged as spammer), and it's impossible to search it if you're not logged in. ๐Ÿ˜†

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

People are already betting on Musk and Zukerberg's fight. ๐Ÿ˜†

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

22. What sort of transportation/vehicles does your MC use?

Since the plot is set around 2021, it's cars (and airplanes) for my characters.

The MC drives Volkswagen Tiguan. This came to be when I accidentally ran across a review called "The bloody awful Volkswagen Tiguan" and it just clicked ๐Ÿ˜†

This car is unimportant for the plot. However, there's one that is. It belongs to a secondary character & becomes the last domino in the inciting incident.

Mercedec-Benz S Class Coupรฉ


Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

I hate #Cloudflare. They make an effort to allow their customers to break internet without breaking a sweat.

You'll go to hell, Cloudflare. Mark my words.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

21. How does your dayjob or life affect what you write?

My job affects my writing mainly by interfering with it. :) Long walks to the canteen at the lunch break allow me to brainstorm ideas, but that's about it.

Life is another story entirely. My current novel about love & figure skating stems from my love to figure skating (duh). My previous attempts involved steampunk on a planet covered with ocean, or a mystery about a piano inhabited by a ghost. So yes, life's an influence


Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

Dear #Typora, go back into free beta, please. ๐Ÿ˜ I would purchase a license, but I physically can't. Ugh.

#Sublime is a bit disappointing, tbh. Okay, but I expected more. It's definitely mainly for code and is not meant for prose. Also, no live preview.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

This feeling when a text editing app for iPhone costs more than my monthly heating bill. ๐Ÿ˜†

The more I look at the Apple universe, the more it bewilders me.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

Can't get rid of the feeling it's Sunday tomorrow.

Alas, it's Thursday. And an office day, as well. And the forecast promises shower rains. Ugh.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

Since it's okay to start #WritingWonders at any point, I thought, why not today :)

20. Do you have any LGBT+ characters in your story?

In fact, it's the main plotline in my current novel. ๐Ÿ˜† Not only the MC has decided he's bi against the author's will, but it's actually become a source of a large portion of conflict.

There are total of 7 characters of varying level of queerness, but only 3 are presented as such (and 2 more will be subtly revealed in the epilogue).

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

I have run into the #WritingWonders hashtag accidentally, and I really like the idea. Some of the questions might inspire an actual blog, not just a short post on Mastodon.

I'd like to participate, but a bit not sure whether I should wait until July, or if I can start anytime. :)

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Christina Anne Hawthorne

@SeventhMagpie You can start any time, answer all questions, or skip any that don't apply. It's all extremely flexible.

You're also right, the questions can help create blog posts. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

C. R. Collins


Feel free to jump in! People do as convenient for them. You can answer all questions, or a few, & are welcome to catch up with previous questions if you like.

H. H. Shaw ๐ŸŒป

@SeventhMagpie I just started today and did a semi catch up on some I missed this month.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

If somebody has fifteen bucks to spare, buy me a #Typora license, please. :)

It's moments like this, really. Such unfortunate timing. Such a shame I can't pay. Idk, couldn't they have stayed in beta for a bit longer. :)

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

I like it how #Piazzolla is often quoting himself, and yet every time it's at a new angle. #tango

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

I have lost the Midpoint. ๐Ÿ˜†

It is an important turning point where the protagonist learns about the core nature of the conflict. And I know *what* it should be, but don't know how to do it.

I suppose this is the main reason the second half of the narration doesn't quite play out.


Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

A universal law of life: if you put n socks into the washing machine, you'll get n-1 after it's finished.

So, now I have three socks on my hands. All unpaired.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

Serbian restaurant has closed down. :( A Chinese one has opened in its stead.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

Upon the news of import from Instagram becoming available in Pixelfed soon, I booted up Tor and went to look at my old Instagram account.

And... something must have gotten into my eye, sorry.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

I'm almost done tweaking "Hermit" Hugo theme to my liking, so I'm ready to try classic blogging once again. Mind you, I've lost count of how many attempts there have been since LiveJournal, but I'm ready to give it another shot. ๐Ÿ˜†

(Yes, that's the same old me who posts to her Telegram channel once a month.)

Thing is, I'm stuck with my novel and I'd like to get unstuck. Past experience tells me that talking about writing helps me brainstorm and plot (hence Telegram).

I really hope it helps.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

I hope that the owners of all the websites, who block connections from Russian IPs just because, sleep soundly at night knowing that they Did Something(tm).

And fuck you for breaking internet.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

Also, I have bought myself a cactus. Two. ๐ŸŒต

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