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20 posts total

listening again to the greatest cover album ever recorded: shonkywonkydonkey's "OK Computer but everything is my voice"


As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself coming downstairs, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming downstairs, but sometimes he feels that there really is another way, if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it.


When orcs catch the hobbits and say “meat’s back on the menu” it’s because they’ve been eating nothing but tofu and quinoa while on the march and they know hobbits are skilled small-game hunters, gourmands, and excellent cooks

Mike Bartley

@ranjit orcs are well-known à la carte diners and enjoy a well thought-out menu.


time to post again the best user interface i've ever seen

youtube video screenshot, closeup of a shiny clean white control panel with two large buttons marked with up and down arrows and labeled "SPEED". A finger is pressing the down button. Next to that is an LED display showing 108.6 and labeled "ONIONS PER MINUTE".
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@Ranjit This would make an excellent reaction image when people mistake something from The Onion as true.

Suitably ballyhooed

@ranjit turning a big dial taht says "Onions per minute" on it and constantly looking back at the audience for approval like a contestant on the price is right

Peter Drake

@ranjit "Onions per minute" is a good metric of how weird the news is: how often does it generate a real headline that looks like it came from The Onion.


I put this little nub of ginger in water to grow roots, and it turned into a pokemon

little ginger sprout looks like it's grown 6 legs and a smiling face with an upturned snout, as well as a leafy spike on its back.

Oh yeah, if you're such a William Carlos Williams fan, name five things that depend upon a red wheel barrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens.


wait, WCW was a doctor? is he the one that Pagliacci came to see?


i love diagrams, and i just learned that Beauchamp-Feuillet Notation exists. it's way more organic looking than Labanotation!


I'll be doing a livestream performance with Harvestworks tonight at 6pm NYC time - tune in if you like cacophony!


Catch my live tiktok and/or instagram remix performance on Harvestworks' twitch next Tuesday at 6pm NYC time!


#looptober 8 soundtrack for the nostalgic overexposed movie about 70s suburban childhood summers


For now, for now
It'll do for now
That's our motto:
It'll do for now
For now, for now,
For now, for now,
Live by one rule:
It'll do for now

Darius Kazemi

@ranjit this is great


Nice talk by Erika Nelson, creator of the World's Largest Collection of the World's Smallest Versions of the World's Largest Things


In Xanadu did Buck Mulligan
A stately, plump pleasure dome decree

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