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Woozle Hypertwin

(re boost) Obviously this is a bot we need here on TootCat.

@blackbuddy @ranjit meow mew meowmeowmeow mewmew miau nyanyaaaaa nyanyaaaaaaaaaa nyanya


Whenever my cats walked on my keyboard i make sure to hit send. Who am i to sensor their online voice?! 😅

Brian Dear

@Ranjit I prefer DogGPT:

User: How’s the weather?
DogGPT: Ruff!
User: I hear ya. If I say “kanga” you say…
DogGPT: Roooooo!
User: If I say “ang” you say…
DogGPT: Grrrr…
User: Squirrel?
DogGPT: [error - gone offline]

Efi (nap pet) 🦊💤

@ranjit yeah, but it is a lot of work to talk to people all day long, even for me

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