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8 posts total
Maxim Lebedev

@alcinnz This is one of the reasons why I use JavaScript as a last resort when other ways to achieve the desired functionality and design via HTML/CSS have been exhausted.

But what destroyed me the most was @nikitonsky post about a fundamental object and term like "checkbox":

Adrian Cochrane

One thing us developers can do for the environment: Write more efficient software!

You might save some electricity, thus making it easier to switch the grid fully over to renewables. But what really matters is for you not to be the reason your users buy new hardware!

Depending on how large your audience is and how green your other habits are, this might be the single biggest thing you can do! Probably not though.

Adrian Cochrane

The future of the right to repair and free software - Elizabeth Chamberlain of iFixit @ LibrePlanet 2023: (video)

Adrian Cochrane

Lua, put simply, is the simplest scripting you can imagine! It is based on similar ideas to what JavaScript started with but without the evolutionary pressures into resembling a mainstream programming language. Or rather what Sun convinced us all including academics that a mainstream programming language looks like. Lua was allowed to remain a minimalistic language!

(To be clear, as a programming language I don't think JavaScript is terrible. But Lua does look better.)


Nsukami _ | 巣神

@alcinnz May I honestly ask, what are the criterias used to conclude Lua does look better ? (Not trying to contest, I actually don't like reading or writing JS)

Adrian Cochrane

Denmark bans Chromebooks and Google Workspace in schools over data transfer risks - Paul Sawers @ Tech Crunch:

Adrian Cochrane

Normal devs: Fixes their sites to work in Safari
Amazon: Fixes Safari to work on their sites
Me: Rewrites the frontend for such dominant sites to work in my browsers

Except I don't need to! Others already have.

So today my deep gratitude goes out to projects which proxies the entrenched silos stripping them of their nuisances. Which helps me damage-control the myriad of broken links to these sites.


Normal devs: Fixes their sites to work in Safari
Amazon: Fixes Safari to work on their sites
Me: Rewrites the frontend for such dominant sites to work in my browsers

Except I don't need to! Others already have.

So today my deep gratitude goes out to projects which proxies the entrenched silos stripping them of their nuisances. Which helps me damage-control the myriad of broken links to these sites.

Adrian Cochrane

I'm talking about projects like:

* Bibliogram for Instagram
* Imgin & Rimgo for Imgur
* Invidious & Piped for YouTube
* Librarian for LBRY/Odysee
* Libreddit & Teddit for Reddit
* Lingva & SimplyTranslate for Google Translate
* Nitter for Twitter
* Proxitok for Tiktok
* Scribe for Medium
* Whoogle, Searx, & SearxNG for Google, etc
* Wikiless for Wikipedia (though not as needed)

And thanks to for loadbalancing instances of these to ensure I don't overload them!

2/2 Fin!

I'm talking about projects like:

* Bibliogram for Instagram
* Imgin & Rimgo for Imgur
* Invidious & Piped for YouTube
* Librarian for LBRY/Odysee
* Libreddit & Teddit for Reddit
* Lingva & SimplyTranslate for Google Translate
* Nitter for Twitter
* Proxitok for Tiktok
* Scribe for Medium
* Whoogle, Searx, & SearxNG for Google, etc
* Wikiless for Wikipedia (though not as needed)

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