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8 posts total
Flippin' eck, Tucker!

Luther Cat hasn't completely forgiven us for putting him in the cattery while we were on holiday, but we're no longer considered the Worst Humans Ever.


Flippin' eck, Tucker!

It's quite common these days for National Trust properties to have a second-hand bookstore on site. But the one at Speke Hall near Liverpool has hands down the best name.

#Books #Bookstodon #SpekeHall #NationalTrust


@losttourist that name conveys a great deal of information

Flippin' eck, Tucker!

Luther Cat in a vary rare not-looking-scruffy picture. For once in his life he actually looks quite regal.
#Caturday #BlackCats

Flippin' eck, Tucker!

Luther Cat cannot get enough of #Winterwatch. Furry things and feathered things - this is cat TV at its finest!


Flippin' eck, Tucker!

This is not mine, it's from a colleague who posted it to our work Slack. But it's far too good to be left languishing there, so here's my (stolen, but I'm sure they'll understand) contribution to #Caturday.

Flippin' eck, Tucker!

I'm absolutely loving this spirit of malicious compliance that's creeping into the subreddits that have been forced to reopen.

/r/pics started it off by holding a vote where their users overwhelmingly said that the only pics they wanted were ones of John Oliver looking lovely.

Now /r/WellThatSucks is purely a place to post pictures of vacuum cleaners.

And /r/iPhone is only permitting posts that are pictures of Tim Cook.

All of these policy changes have been voted and agreed upon by the subreddits' users, so Reddit can't even complain that the mod teams are going against their users' wishes.

#Reddit #SubredditDrama

I'm absolutely loving this spirit of malicious compliance that's creeping into the subreddits that have been forced to reopen.

/r/pics started it off by holding a vote where their users overwhelmingly said that the only pics they wanted were ones of John Oliver looking lovely.

Now /r/WellThatSucks is purely a place to post pictures of vacuum cleaners.

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@losttourist /r/iOS has gone full anarchy, allowing any post that a) meets Reddit’s sitewide rules and b) the submitter thinks is related to iOS

Flippin' eck, Tucker!

I do feel more than a little sympathy for @ernest.

In January he decided to try to build an ActivityPub based messageboard system.

A month ago he decided the code was stable enough that he could release the first alpha version, and stood up to demonstrate it.

It attracted quite a few users per day and proved that it might just be an exciting new entry into the Fediverse.

And then Reddit's admins did their thing, and suddenly thousands, millions, tens of millions of users are looking for a new home. And although a few other brave souls have also created kbin instances in the last few days, there's simply not enough capacity to even begin to cope with all the demand.

#kbin #Fediverse #RedditMigration #Reddit

I do feel more than a little sympathy for @ernest.

In January he decided to try to build an ActivityPub based messageboard system.

A month ago he decided the code was stable enough that he could release the first alpha version, and stood up to demonstrate it.

It attracted quite a few users per day and proved that it might just be an exciting new entry into the Fediverse.

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@losttourist @ernest

"PHP version: 8.1 or higher
GD or Imagemagick php extension
NGINX / Apache / Caddy
Redis (optional)
Mercure (optional)
RabbitMQ (optional)"

I know that @grunfink's snac isn't trying to solve the same thing, but I can't help but wonder if its svelte source in ANSIC might handle a larger influx of usage better given it is doubtlessly a lot more memory and CPU efficient than the above?

Kolmogorov complexity reduction is, generally speaking: a win.

@losttourist @ernest

"PHP version: 8.1 or higher
GD or Imagemagick php extension
NGINX / Apache / Caddy
Redis (optional)
Mercure (optional)
RabbitMQ (optional)"

I know that @grunfink's snac isn't trying to solve the same thing, but I can't help but wonder if its svelte source in ANSIC might handle a larger influx of usage better given it is doubtlessly a lot more memory and CPU efficient than the above?


@losttourist @ernest

What's the deal with kbin? lemmy is pretty good and they seem to be scaling ok.

The Real Grunfink
Does this thing really support ActivityPub? It doesn't even seem to respond to webfinger queries correctly (it returns a bunch of HTML and JS and gives a 403 status. Does it want webfinger queries to be HTTP signed?).

Flippin' eck, Tucker!

@slothrop That's an absolute classic "you say that like it's a bad thing"

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