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110 posts total
Joshua Barretto

Having an intelligent dog that knows you and understands you is nice. Having an intelligent dog that knows how to open doors, flick latches, and climb cupboards to acquire socks? Not so much.

James Waples

@jsbarretto you have to train them for the intelligence you want


@jsbarretto what you have there is an evil intelligent dog.

Lately, mine shows signs of dabbling with the dark side but so far hasn't crossed over. 🤞

Joshua Barretto

The implication here that Californians are uniquely at threat of cancer and reproductive problems is mildly humorous.

Joshua Barretto

If OpenAI is going to treat copyrighted works as public domain, maybe everything they produce, including their models, should also be treated similarly?

Ben Stokman

@jsbarretto it actually is like that already. There’s just no law requiring the model be publicly available.

Lars Marowsky-Brée 😷

@jsbarretto The output of these models cannot be copyrighted, is my understanding.

Which incidentally makes them quite difficult to use in software development, if one cares about licensing or IP.

Joshua Barretto

A reason that I personally appreciate alt text: I often check Mastodon when on the train with an extremely spotty mobile data connection (blame the tunnels). Alt text always loads long before the image itself, so I know what images are worth waiting for and which are simply a bit of extra context for a post.

Willow "Wolveric" Catkin

@jsbarretto Basically exactly what I said when someone asked about the benefits of alt-text... 😹

Joshua Barretto

Well, the clay-heavy soil is waterlogged and nothing will grow, so I might as well make some lemonade with my lemons. This is experiment #1 of turning the clay into pottery and firing it over a gas hob.

Success? Sort of. It's still in one piece, and it has the characteristic tinny ring of pottery when tapped, but I need to filter the clay more to remove large particles. Needs temper added to it to prevent cracking during drying. Also, time to build a pottery wheel.

Joshua Barretto

Also, most of the pot didn't get hot enough to properly fuse. I'll have to think about better ways of trapping heat than simply placing a saucepan lid over it.

Joshua Barretto

It's only a real storm if the BBC spends most of the morning broadcasting a video of a trampoline going for a ride down the street or some other activity that trampolines aren't supposed to do.

Joshua Barretto

I have been trying for several weeks to find an opportunity to fix the leak in the greenhouse roof, but I can't because it's been persistently raining for over a month now. Everything is waterlogged, everything is rotting.

Joshua Barretto

The mince pies will continue until morale improves

James Waples

@jsbarretto I hate mince pies so the resulting negative feedback loop would be a universe ending event for me

Joshua Barretto

The point of the federated model is that it's inherently more immune to the behaviour of bad actors pervasively affecting everybody, right?

Joshua Barretto

There's so much joy in something as simple as putting up a shelf. I try to make sure that I finish each weekend with at least some physically manifest evidence of me having achieved something, and this seems as good as any.

Joshua Barretto

I started a new job recently. The commute is about 80 kilometres. I was convinced that I'd end up needing to buy a car but it turns out that a folding bike + trains is at least as fast as a car, gives me almost an hour to read, and I hit my daily exercise quota without needing to really try. Do the maths! You might find that public transport and a bike suits you better than a car ever could.

Joshua Barretto

The withoutboats article is good. As much as it pains me to say it, Rust has promised too much in the domain of stability for a practical effect system to ever be workable on top of what is already here. The place to implement an effect system is (a) a new language or (b) Rust as it was a decade ago.

James Waples

@jsbarretto I think we should be breaking more of the universe in new editions. I’ve always thought that was kinda their purpose, instead we get a watered down minimal changeset which wastes a good opportunity imo.

Maybe I need to look at this through the systems programming lens where tooling is supposed to be rock solid and last for years but that begs the question: why do we have to perpetuate that?

Adam Chalmers

@jsbarretto I generally agree -- I really liked the talk about keyword generics at Rustconf this year, IMO the proposal would fix a lot of problems. But I don't think we should be delaying important async features to make them play better with a theoretical future. Even if the keyword generics design is great, implementing it could take a long long time, and impling async iterators should be decoupled from KW generics.

Joshua Barretto

I realised that I'd bought 4 pairs of cheap-ish shoes in 2 years and all of them had fallen to bits within a matter of months, despite repair attempts.

I decided it was probably better for me and the planet to invest a little bit more in a decent pair that will last a few years or more.

What I didn't expect was how comfortable they are and how comparatively uncomfortable the old ones were. I used to think that getting blisters after spending a day walking was normal.

Look after your feet.


@jsbarretto people claim I spend excessive amounts of money on shoes but they don't realize that I can wear the same shoes 5 years later still and that will look good after that time too! Buying cheap just means you buy twice, and with shoes we *know* we need them.

Joshua Barretto

Is there a way to mute interactions but not replies for a specific post? When something gets popular, it's kind of a pain.


@jsbarretto @GuerillaOntologist suggests you can only mute a thread entirely. what you suggest would be good tho. i have also heard ppl just muting all faves/boosts, but also not what you ask for. perhaps there's a feature request on the repo, perhaps glitch supports it...

Joshua Barretto

I always find it funny when getting into arguments with libertarians and they're like "The profit motive is great. See? Look at my phone" and my response is "Dude... I've written some of the code that's running on your phone, and I did it for free. It's a device built on open standards and the unpaid labour of 100,000 unpaid nerds. You are not making the argument that you think you're making".

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Lithium flower

@jsbarretto @cygnathreadbare profit is a secondary idea, the main idea is having the right incentive structures so that you can have a nice shot at a nicer society by trying to channel individuals towards building it instead of giving all the power to a centrallized superstate/hierarchy. It's about a decentralized algorithm vs a centralized one. Also about giving more value to individual rights over collective rights. But you can implement that in many different ways, trade freedom is just one.


...and almost all that is used to make these things work and was not done by unpaid nerds is based on knowledge gained by science done in institutions financed by the state or by tax cuts.

Profit is thinly veiled theft from the whole of society.


@jsbarretto @stevegrunwell I’m torn between defending libertarians and pointing out that this specific point that they’re making is legitimate and that you’re is parochial and silly.

Joshua Barretto

People always sneer at software rendering. It's definitely true that not only are GPUs faster, but the *gulf* between CPUs and GPUs is proportionally bigger nowadays. But CPUs have still been getting a lot faster, and real-time software rendering of even relatively complex scenes is still viable!

Joshua Barretto

*giggling laughter*

My teapot army is almost assembled.

Pretty happy with this, 45 fps with software rendering. Before the last hour of optimising, it was closer to 20 fps.

Joshua Barretto

This is, should anybody care, one of the rendering demos for my software rendering crate that makes low-level graphics programming fun again:

Joshua Barretto

Hmm... This runs faster when I *don't* parallelise it. More work to be done.

Joshua Barretto

Taz didn't know what to think of the train on Sunday. Had the time of his life at the beach when we got there though. #dogsofmastodon

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