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Joshua Barretto

Having an intelligent dog that knows you and understands you is nice. Having an intelligent dog that knows how to open doors, flick latches, and climb cupboards to acquire socks? Not so much.

James Waples

@jsbarretto you have to train them for the intelligence you want

Joshua Barretto

@jamwaffles Not Taz. His sock addiction is too strong.

James Waples

@jsbarretto get him to sock rehab before it’s too late!


@jsbarretto what you have there is an evil intelligent dog.

Lately, mine shows signs of dabbling with the dark side but so far hasn't crossed over. 🤞

Joshua Barretto

@happyborg He's definitely got something a little Darth Maul about him.

Joshua Barretto

@happyborg He's got a very serious look about him sometimes, yes. Like he's judging you. The intense eyes help with that.


@jsbarretto reminds me of the Paddington 'hard stare'.

Mine has her own looks. Very powerful!

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