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14 posts total
Andy P

The kittens love “lap time” when one of us sits cross legged on the floor so they can all climb up, get pets, and wrestle each other until they fall off.

#kittens #CatsOfMastodon #cute #RescueCats

Andy P

Kitten: hello, who are you?
Peanut: Your worst nightmare, a bath!
Peanut: (forcefully grooms baby)

#DailyPeanut #kitten #CatsOfMastodon #FosterKittens

Andy P

The kittens are gone for adoption and Peanut is being extra needy today because they had finally started to get along. Hopefully we’ll get more foster babies for her to groom.

#DailyPeanut #kitten #cats #CatsOfMastodon #mastocats

Andy P

Foster kittens staying with us for a couple of weeks, Viscount and Duke

Peanut was very excited and jumped the baby gate to say hi but the little punks hissed at her so now she’s off pouting and pretending not to be interested. Dimitri just ignores their hissing and watched them play for awhile.

#kittens #cats #FosterKittens

Andy P

You come into my work space. take over my lap. and wiggle around like a bored toddler?!

Aww I can’t be mad she’s not even a year old yet

#DailyPeanut #CatsOfMastodon #cat

Andy P

oh no Peanut discovered a new and annoying trick! pulling on the line spouse uses for drying their prints makes the all the metal clips jingle 🎵

#DailyPeanut #caturday

Andy P

Now that holiday lights are going up here's a fun and easy trick. Works with any shape you can cut out ❤️ ⭐ 🌙 🔷
(not my photos)

#photography #photoTips #bokeh

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@otterlove extra bit of detail: the center shape must fit within a circle the size of the aperture you want to use.

So, for example, if you’ve got a 50mm f1.7 lens, your aperture’s diameter is 50mm/1.7 = 29.4mm. If you draw a circle that size (i.e. with a radius of 14.7mm), you can cut out a shape within that.

Lastly, make sure you use the *actual* focal length of your lens for this calculation, not the 35mm equivalent.

Matthieu Oostveen

I've had soo much fun with this on my old nifty-fifty! I need to dig out the old stencils and see if they work on my Fuji kit.. Should be a nice little project for the weeks to come 😁

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