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Andy P

Now that holiday lights are going up here's a fun and easy trick. Works with any shape you can cut out ❤️ ⭐ 🌙 🔷
(not my photos)

#photography #photoTips #bokeh


@otterlove Good fun if you have a vinyl cutter as well!

Raven Luni

@otterlove Now that youve shown it to a bunch of furries, what shapes are people going to be cutting out?


@otterlove extra bit of detail: the center shape must fit within a circle the size of the aperture you want to use.

So, for example, if you’ve got a 50mm f1.7 lens, your aperture’s diameter is 50mm/1.7 = 29.4mm. If you draw a circle that size (i.e. with a radius of 14.7mm), you can cut out a shape within that.

Lastly, make sure you use the *actual* focal length of your lens for this calculation, not the 35mm equivalent.

Matthieu Oostveen

I've had soo much fun with this on my old nifty-fifty! I need to dig out the old stencils and see if they work on my Fuji kit.. Should be a nice little project for the weeks to come 😁

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