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388 posts total

Why do you want faster, more accurate weather data thanks to AI? To find out more precisely when we're going to die? What's the point if we don't do anything to prevent disaster? Without forgetting that the energy needed to train these AIs will be, if it isn't already the case, one more cause of global warming.


I'm happy that my tutorial on how to install 's browser has exceeded 1,000 visits today.


Has anyone managed to update/install their server to version 0.18.1 or 0.18.2 through ?

Please share for more possibilities to find someone. 😕


I'm from the generation that served as a beta-tester for , , , etc. and that has seen all these social networks degrade and reduce to being crap over the years.


I post from a 1st generation SE. It's really small. And I really like that.


Back to Mastodon for iOS official app. 😬


That's it, I don't know if it existed on Mastodon, but I made a version of the bot here: @everycolor


Actualitzant a l'última versió de , la 0.18.1 😊

Tot hauria de funcionar d'aquí als pròxims minuts, s'està executant la migració de la base de dades ara mateix ✊


Tota la tarda amb l'actualització. Ho sento però ha fallat. Demà recuperaré una backup esperant a trobar una com fer-ho.


I downloaded and created an account (because I didn't have one) using a VPN because I live in Europe. I subscribe to several people and for the last 2/3 days I haven't seen a single post from the people I subscribe to, only recommendations. What a fucking shit.

Lea de Groot 🇦🇺

@retiolus vaguely curious to know how busy the federated feed is over there (compared to, say,, which I think is mastadon's biggest and busiest instance)


@retiolus I don't have an Instagram account and don't have interest on create one, so I haven't tried threat, who knows if this arribes to fediverse. But as I know if you use Android you don't need to use VPN


L'.apk de si que es diu "Barcelona":


No he tocat un ordinador des de fa poster dues setmanes... ✌️


Hi @dansup, how often is updated? I'm only getting 178 Lemmy instances from there


So Lemmy just became, in one week, the second software with the most users on the ? @lemmy


@retiolus @lemmy those are rookie numbers, let's add a zero! :D


@lemmy forgot about Diaspora, I don't know why FediDB doesn't list it...

If you take monthly active users, Lemmy is the third and Kbin the second one. But I have concerns about how each Fediverse software counts its MAU.


enjoying the fights in the even before becomes reality.

Admins killing their reputations and users killing their admins back. @fediverse


@retiolus @fediverse you're overstating the importance of the few loud and annoying cretins that think being clueless makes their opinions especially valuable. All I can see here is people belittling the work of those driving the fediverse and making up arbitrary and brainless rules on the spot that have been known as toxic, ridiculous and untenable in FOSS for decades...


@fediverse Updated meme, this one is more accurate


@dansup Hi, could you check from what servers this huge posts grow is coming?

It's strange because even the biggest servers haven't had this increase in posts.

Btw, there's an error in the curves for the number of publications, you're displaying "Users" and not "Posts" in the text.


He acabat de traduir al !

Esperem que les traduccions estiguin disponibles a la pròxima actualització 😊


@retiolus @lemmy I'm pretty excited at and it's prospects. It has really rough edges and the federation is kind of hard to follow but the format is identical to reddit and it fills that niche nicely.


Always when you need it most, @Codeberg has issues

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