Do you know of any online solutions for creating forms (open-source if possible) that have an API for generating unique links to the same form? @opensource
Do you know of any online solutions for creating forms (open-source if possible) that have an API for generating unique links to the same form? @opensource I've been thinking about doing a statistical study of the #Fediverse funding model. Like for e.g. what are the different ways servers on the Fediverse are financed (associations, companies, donations, personal finance, etc.). Do you think it's a great idea and it does interest you? Anonymous poll
Don't care, see results
68 people voted. 6
Voting ended 18 January at 14:09. The thing is, I'm probably going to have to set up a site of my own to vote and only allow one administrator per instance to vote using Mastodon authentication. I realise that doing this with the ENTIRE fediverse will be more complicated... About the new hidden setting that let you auto-reject cookies on Firefox, only available by default in Germany Unlocking Hidden Firefox Setting to Auto-Reject Cookie Banners #browsers #cookies #firefox #internet #mozzila #privacy #security I've put together a tutorial on how to register an AppImage as a desktop application in Linux, trying to cover as many cases as possible and be as concise as possible, based on my personal experience. @retiolus on Manjaro I also had to run ```sudo update-desktop-database``` logging out and back in did not work. Com haureu remarcat no és accessible des del passat 30 de desembre i des de ferà una setmana. Això és degut a un canvi de servidors forçat que no he aconseguit solucionar (les còpies de seguretat estan fetes i res s'ha perdut), ja que estic a l'estranger amb com única maquina un iMac 5,1 (2006) i una mala connexió internet i ara mateix tampoc em puc concentrar en buscar un altre servidor. (1/2) No em puc comprometre a donar una data de restabliment dels serveis, però us asseguro que hi penso cada dia i és una frustració per mi. A més m'agradaria que els servidors seguissin sent a Catalunya, on tampoc conec gaires per no dic cap empresa d'allotjament, on el preu serà segurament un problema, accepto idees i consells. Gràcies per la vostra comprensió, i em sap greu haver fallat com a administrador. (2/2) I successfully installed #Debian on the #iMac 5.1! Thanks to this tutorial:'m happy, because we could no longer use the #Epson scanner and the #Brother laser printer connected to it.And I am pleasantly surprised by the ease of installation of the drivers provided by the manufacturers. Découvrez les superbes photos d'animaux en lice pour le Prix du public du Wildlife Photographer of The Year[autres]- On commence la journée en déposant deux plaintes pour non-respect du RGPD à la CNIL :blobcatcoffee: @retiolus no record si era aqueixa o una altra oficina on deia: «Vagi, ha ocorregut un error» XD I'm going to kill myself. On something as simple as emoji naming, why can't the different fucking Fediverse projects agree!? Mastodon: shortcode On sait pas si c'est effectivement fait car la personne dit juste "confirmer que le compte est supprimé" 🥴 Note for the future: do not place a systemd service behind a user using LDAP to authenticate. |
The question is why?
- dont show the people the real URL? Then you need many domains
- just include a traceable number, to evaluate the origin of the participant?
@retiolus Did you find anything for this query?