@SmudgeTheInsultCat because I'm a berk, whenever I see someone type in a password, I say "you have the same password as me. Eight asterisks." How we all laugh. The weather is Sun, literally. June has started with +30-35 without rain, while it should be under 30. All the vegetation is in a hurry somewhere and preparing for something. Maybe the drought will last all summer instead of the usual couple of weeks in July. It's very sad to see this 🔍 Описание На полу стоят три черных котенка. У них взъерошенная шерсть, а лапки расставлены в стороны, как будто они чем-то напуганы. Над ними виднеется надпись на английском языке: "Me and my friends meeting up for drinks after a stressful week". 📝 Текст на картинке Me and my friends meeting up for drinks after a stressful week @TheRealCyclo Справедливости ради им следовало бы выделить отдельный зал для таких поделий и посвятить его "альтернативным теориям". А большую часть выставки всё же делать исторической и держать на контрасте, вот тогда "древние русы" помогут осмыслению #PPOD: Some of the incredible solar activity was captured last month by spacecraft near the Sun, including these plasma tornadoes. These walls of plasma are higher than the Earth is in diameter. And, of course, all this solar activity has provided us with stunning aurorae. With solar maximum approaching, chances are high that we'll see more incredible views like this one! Credit: NASA the weakness of flesh?
that shit can rebuild itself with just water and some food your deeply corroded metal ass can only be replaced with a new one Надо сделать игру-платформер: один человек ведёт впереди себя другого, с завязанными глазами, по плацкартному вагону, и нужно нагибаться/уклоняться от свисающих ног, бегущих детей с дошиком, проводницы со шваброй. И всё это на время, пока туалет на санитарную зону не закрыли В Царицыно конная полиция разогнала фестиваль хиппи. Я точно живу в 21 веке? :blobcatfearful: @quillmatiq @theverge @404mediaco I will be following these new features of The Verge and 404 Media with interest. Thanks @quillmatiq @theverge @404mediaco awesome. we have to stop thinking about the fedi as a bunch of decentralized alternatives to the closed platforms, but AP as a social layer on top of the open web. that's where we become a threat to the vulture capitalists. the next step is to integrate the comment handling of lemmy/kbin/reddit. mastodon should do this too. #Opensource is so amazing! Did you know about "awesome lists", a links of projects on some theme? I do. But I didn't know about meta searches over awesome lists. They are grouping awesome lists increasing the awesomeness of this idea! Here are a few of such meta lists I've just dicovered: - https://awesomelists.top/ Do you know more? @akamar был старый прикол на тему «из двух зол». У одних народов «выбираем меньшее», у других продолжение «лучше не выбирать». Это я к тому, что дефляция тоже не самое полезное дело. Надо искать другой выход. 🙂 I'm a "full stack developer", in that my stack is full and if you try to push any more tasks on me I'm gonna overflow it and start corrupting my own memory
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@foone Mine's a LIFO stack and unfortunately you made your feature request back in February, so it might be a while @foone Me with a tiny stack that overflows if I so much as try any task beyond my comfort zone |
@foone it's like you have your own personal RoboCop to change your channels
@foone I remember the cold metal feel of these. 10/10 would recommend again.
@foone This has unlocked childhood memories. I seem to even have a childhood memory of how this remote smells. I was not expecting that.