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6 posts total
Esteban K�ber :rust:

Every time there's a CVE affecting some fundamental part of modern computing that Rust provides a dot-release for, it seems multiple publications find out first from the Rust blog and publish titles implying that Rust is the only affected thing. It's not only mildly annoying hearing the echos of "har, har, I thought it was 'safe'", it does a complete disservice to anyone that *doesn't* use Rust because they won't find out they have to update or mitigate the issue too!

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Esteban K�ber :rust:

As an example, the highlighted area is the first time this article mentions that every language is affected by the windows command escaping issue. This is actively harmful, not to Rust reputation, but to the users of other languages!


@ekuber could that be a sign of early stages of maturity? Others have gone through that before, right?

Dirkjan Ochtman

@ekuber also just because the Rust blog posts are better.

Esteban K�ber :rust:

Regular reminder that if a #rust compiler error isn't clear, we consider that a bug. File a ticket! Worst case scenario it gets closed as a duplicate. Second worst it takes us a long time to get to them. But I assure you I've read every single open A-diagnostics ticket at least twice.

Esteban K�ber :rust:

"You can say 'all are welcome,' but if wolves and sheep are both welcome then you're only going to get wolves. The the smart sheep will go somewhere else and the naive sheep will be eaten and processed. [...] Refusing to choose is a choice. It's a choice in favor of the people who prey on others and who refuse to acknowledge the humanity of those they hate."

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@ekuber There is a comic about tolerance, that goes something like: "To be tolerant you must not tolerate intolerance"

But it's too far down my matodon likes to find...

Esteban K�ber :rust:


Hi! I'm a member of the Rust Compiler Team and a Principal Software Engineer at AWS.

My big area of focus is making Rust a language that people of all levels of experience can pick up and be effective with. I often post screenshots of compiler errors, sometimes post about urbanism and traffic safety.


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