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Esteban K�ber :rust:

"You can say 'all are welcome,' but if wolves and sheep are both welcome then you're only going to get wolves. The the smart sheep will go somewhere else and the naive sheep will be eaten and processed. [...] Refusing to choose is a choice. It's a choice in favor of the people who prey on others and who refuse to acknowledge the humanity of those they hate."

Justin Browne


This reminds me of Rush's "Freewill" ("If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"), but more poignant. It makes you think of the loss when you make such a decision


@ekuber « all are welcome to use my software » in #true opensource ; versus « no wolves allowed » in BSL


@ekuber There is a comic about tolerance, that goes something like: "To be tolerant you must not tolerate intolerance"

But it's too far down my matodon likes to find...

extreme organic gay

@teivel @ekuber it's a comic adaptation of the paradox of (in)tolerance.


@dysfun @ekuber

Found the link, it's in Spanish though:

I'd translate it to (bear in mind that although I am a native Spanish speaker I am not a great translator):



@dysfun @ekuber yup, but the source is in Spanish, so I link to that and provide a translation


@dysfun @ekuber The paradox of intolerance, by philosopher Karl Popper*

*source: The Open Society and its Enemies, Karl R. Popper

Should a tolerant society **tolerate the intolerant?**

A picture of two people saying no to Nazis and a Nazi replying with: "Aren't you tolerant? Respect my ideas"

The answer is **no.**

It is a Paradox, but the **unlimited tolerance** can bring the **extinction of tolerance.**



@dysfun @ekuber When you extend tolerance to those who are **openly intolerant...**

An image of Bismarck saying "Give them a chance" with Hitler in the background.

... The tolerant end up being destroyed. And **tolerance with them.**

Any movement that preaches intolerance and persecution **must be outlawed.**

A picture of Hitler being kicked in the butt by a huge leg.

Although paradoxical, **defending tolerance...**

... Requires **not tolerating intolerance.**


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