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2 posts total
Janus Rose 🔊

"Instead of simply mirroring what came before, what would it look like if we completely re-engineered our digital spaces around concepts like community, privacy, and mutual care, instead of ad impressions and profit?"

Janus Rose 🔊

❌ we should have daylight when we go to work in the morning

❌ we should have daylight when we come home from work at night

☑️ we shouldn’t have to work so many hours that we have to ration The Sun

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Tom Knight

@janusrose ... which kinda means that working in the Far North is a bad idea?

I suppose what we could do instead is work longer hours in the summer to make up for lost hours in the winter....?

Phil Smythe

@janusrose Maybe we should more, shorter hours in the winter when daylight is precious, and fewer/longer in the summer. But work the same number all year



⚠️ we shouldn't have to work and waste daylight

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