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Janus Rose 🔊

❌ we should have daylight when we go to work in the morning

❌ we should have daylight when we come home from work at night

☑️ we shouldn’t have to work so many hours that we have to ration The Sun

Elizafox ΘΔ (mystic edition)

@janusrose Well, north of the Arctic Circle you can't really do much about it :p.

Polar nights must be rough. Haven't been, but it's on the bucket list.


Kinda hard when you live on the moon...

a self-hosted /dev/urandom
@janusrose i almost misread the last one as "that we have to ratio The Sun" (as in the newspaper)

@janusrose als the sun reaches its daily peak at 12 o clock

Holger Jaekel

@janusrose We have full moon right now. Isn’t that enough?

Freyalyn 🌻🌨️ 🌲 🎄 🌲 🌨️

@janusrose So true. I've been so much better mentally since wfh and having real daylight all day.

Vivia 🦆🍵🦀

@janusrose ☑️ we also shouldn't exactly align sunlight hours with being forced to be in an office

Giovanni Campagna

@janusrose as long as we don't work dawn to dusk in the summer

Alfred Twu

Shortening the workday to 7 hours from November to February sounds reasonable, there are a lot of holidays during this time anyway


@janusrose ☑️ We should work in spaces where we can see the sun, rather than Brutalist edifices where window seats are only for managers.
☑️ We should be able to take breaks to go sit in the sun when we want to.

Seasonal affective disorder is so much better since I started working from home, gosh. I wouldn't go back to those days where I lived under fluorescents and never saw sunlight.


@janusrose 🔥 we shouldn't have to work so many hours but also we should have a second sun

Pam Mandel

@janusrose this is a real mood in my northern latitude home right now. thankfully, i work from home so i do get to partake. but YES THIS VERY MUCH THIS.


@janusrose the real crime here is that it’s getting dark at like 5pm now AND it’s still like 80 °F here during the day. at this point in my life, i’ve gotten used to the dst change and doing away with it would throw me off, but it should NOT be allowed to happen before the temperature actually drops because this just feels wrong

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@janusrose so I live in , and… inb4 Daylight Scaling Time. :blobcat3c:

Reina :maybe_verified:

@janusrose When you live far enough north, there are times of the year that you only get sun for an hour or so at some times of the year. And if you live even further north, you have times of the year where you see the sun all hours of the day :p

I assume the same goes for south but on the opposite time of the year.

For the record, I agree that we should have shorter workdays. I'm not saying this to disagree with you :)

Tom Knight

@janusrose ... which kinda means that working in the Far North is a bad idea?

I suppose what we could do instead is work longer hours in the summer to make up for lost hours in the winter....?

Phil Smythe

@janusrose Maybe we should more, shorter hours in the winter when daylight is precious, and fewer/longer in the summer. But work the same number all year



⚠️ we shouldn't have to work and waste daylight

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