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Bubu :progress_pride:

@drewdevault Do you have a desktop computer?

Mine (bought new in 2022, MPG X570) just comes with a COM header:


@drewdevault Do you have a PC? There are PCI cards for serial ports. Would that work for you?


I have an extra X220. Battery is shot... Haha, but that's an easy fix.

Drew DeVault

Is there a version of fortune(1) whose database is not maintained by That Guy

Drew DeVault

All this bias against nagels algorithm makes me feel like not enough people grok good systems programming fundamentals


@drewdevault TIL about Nagle’s algorithm.

To contextualize further reading into the algorithm: What fundamental do you think there is a clash with here?

Jonas Vautherin

Isn't the problem that there is a conflict between Nagel's algorithm and delayed ACK?

Or maybe can you elaborate on your thought there? Like is there an obvious solution that people generally miss? Genuinely curious, I'm not a systems programming expert at all.

Drew DeVault

Any good assemblers and linkers which are broadly GNU compatible but written in C and simpler than binutils?

Drew DeVault

Redict 7.3.0 has just been accepted into Debian unstable, and if all goes well, it will land in testing soon 😀

If you haven't heard, Redict is an independent fork of Redis OSS 7.2.4 led by @drewdevault and licensed under the Lesser GNU General Public license (LGPL-3.0-only), "a deliberate [choice] which balances a number of concerns" while "[making] it as easy as possible for users to comply".

Drew DeVault

Wow so today I learned that egregious labor violations are utterly widespread throughout the yoga industry

A friend was describing how they "volunteer" at their local yoga studio in exchange for free classes by working 4 hour shifts at the cash register... of a for profit company... where they report to a manager... and whose owner takes regular expensive vacations and lives in a beautiful, spacious home...

Upon further research I found out that this happens at MOST OF THEM

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chris martens

@drewdevault i think there’s some overlap with MLM stuff too, like they may also be incentivized to recruit their students to become the next wave of instructors

Galbinus Caeli 🌯

@drewdevault pretty sure thats a violation of labor laws

Drew DeVault

Closed access science should have been outlawed the moment ARPANET was online

Daphne Preston-Kendal

@drewdevault Arguably it was: commercial use of the internet was banned until 1991 (retvrn, etc)

Nina [NaK-System]

@drewdevault Usually, I think the same, but seeing just how out of proportion the press blows some studies that don't really do more than hint that something should be studied more, makes me wonder.

Drew DeVault

There are not actually many good games for the NDS, it seems

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@drewdevault This feels like you're invoking Cunningham's law to get game recommendations


@drewdevault Which are your preferences? NDS has a vast catalog and I'm sure there will be some you'll enjoy. Some of my favorites:
* Ghost Trick
* Nine Doors, Nine Persons, Nine Hours
* The 3 Castlevania games (plus the 3 for GBA that play nicely on the NDS).

Drew DeVault

And my homie Macklemore with a masterpiece

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Comrade Weez

@afif He's absolutely right about everything he says in this. Except for one thing.

If Trump wins, there won't be any more elections. Israel will have carte blanche for wholesale genocide, in daylight, with gas chambers.

Abstaining, voting 3rd party or voting for Trump all have the same effect.

I will be voting for Biden on the least-worst principle.

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Hugo 雨果

@drewdevault Sometimes buying is easier than renting in NL. Especially it you're self-employed. You can get mortgages for up to 100% of the property value.


@drewdevault yknow.. U can rent a few square centimeters of my heart AND fuck me~

(My yearning lesbian ass trying to flirt with the hot radically left fedi grils)

Drew DeVault

I have now received four notices from the IRS informing me that they need 60 additional days to figure out why they overcharged me by $16,000 on my taxes, which is to say, 240 days and counting

Drew DeVault

Anything else aside, the Hyprland code is *astonishingly* bad.

Good luck rewriting wlroots btw

Joel :void: :casio:

@drewdevault sounds like the perfect excuse for someone to rewrite its features from scratch :blobcatderpy:

aleksana :pusheenwalk:

@drewdevault I tried to solve the issue where the click event of gtk-layer-shell would be triggered repeatedly, but then I found varxy introduced a bunch of inexplicable special conditions in order to try to solve this problem, but in the end he did not completely handle the click and release events :ablobtoiletflush:

Drew DeVault

well fuck.

telegram decided to sneak in a nazi symbol in their announcement of NFT usernames today, so i guess this is the thing that makes me switch to Signal.

edit: @wolfie pointed out another thing, they're highlighting Tucker Carlson in the blog post

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@wolfie @PsyChuan How 4/20 is Nazi?

Isn't it related to marijuana recreational use?


@PsyChuan если доначу на каком-нибудь эфире - часто доначу 1488 рублей. Считаю это забавным. Национал-социалистические идеи не поддерживаю, если что :)


Drew DeVault

The rule of law is at the very foundation of democracy.

Drew DeVault

Why are there no good domain registrars

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Seán C McCord :tux:

@drewdevault I've also been a happy enough customer of gandi for many, many years. I'm sure they have their problems, but I have this far been blissfully unaware of them. Note that I only use them as registrar, not for DNS hosting.

Kristófer Reykjalín

@drewdevault I’ve been fairly happy with namecheap, are there any controversies there I should be aware of? 🤔

I’ve also heard good things about NearlyFreeSpeech.NET, which might be a fine option?

Joseph Szymborski :qcca:

@drewdevault they all suck. Porkbun is often recommended. I've not had problems with them.

Drew DeVault

3rd most active contributor to drops from the project due to the lack of leadership from the Foundation supposedly backing the project.

Everything is fine, I'm sure the arms dealers will compensate the lost contributions. /s

Drew DeVault

Another day, another GCC cross compiler

Drew DeVault

i should have a cake shop make a replica of the hurricane + cogent cake from NANOG 47

alyx (dual-stack)

not to give it to cogent or anything, i just want cake and think it'd be funny to recreate the peering dispute cake



at this point, that cake is old enough to be in high school and cogent is still not peering. sigh...

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