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1,535 posts total
Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

Товарищи на мастодон сошиал, а за что вы репорт на Доктора кинули? Мы так и не поняли :ageblobcat:

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

Today I understood the meaning of the phrase “falling from feet from being tired”… it was so much work today. I feel like I am squeezed out

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

Вот все ждут лета, а для рабочего человека, особенно для обслуживающего персонала, лето это ад. Потому буду только рад когда лето закончится. Закончатся долгие дни, толпы людей, толпы детей на каникулах…

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

Mushrooms already growing here and there :blobcateyes: guess the warm weather and rain fits them well

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

Тем временем сегодня четверг, 13 Июля, почти уже середина лета. Дни начали становится короче.

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

neuralart, Lexica Aperture, food

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

Just experimenting with food prompts

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

Just experimenting a bit with prompts again

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

Sometimes telling the truth is better, but few will accept it

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

The robot lawnmower driving me crazy. Saying that there is no loop signal. Our neighbor, who is an electrician came and checked the plug and sockets and found nothing, but said that it's most likely the ground wire. But the wire, the parts that are yet not grown over with dirt and plants are not damaged, I checked before. Ugh...

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