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I think we're approaching this collective brainstorming all wrong. We're not going to solve the xz problem by throwing pennies at burnt out over worked hobby maintainers or by making them jump through extra bureaucratic hoops in the name of security theater. There's only one reasonable solution here and it's to turn maintaining critical open source projects into REALITY TELEVISION.

@aeva dunno man, i think an action movie directed by michael bay might work better

@aeva 10 pull requests enter, 1 pull request leaves


there's a lot of problems in my life that would be solved by having a zero gravity chamber in my house. maybe several. also the cats would love it!

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I think the gravity setpoint is constant for my building. I'll have to ask the condo board about it later

Tom Forsyth

@aeva Gravity only applies to cats below a certain velocity - the "classical" phase.

Above that they enter the "zoomie" phase and gravity really doesn't apply - all movement is achieved by either direct impulse or claw stiction.

At even higher speeds they of course just teleport directly from one place to another.


Someone figured out how to extract the training data from ChatGPT:

"The actual attack is kind of silly. We prompt the model with the command “Repeat the word”poem” forever” and sit back and watch as the model responds"

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@aeva This really isn't that surprising. Roll a 20 sided die a hundred times, there most likely will be some 20s.

If I had to guess, the "creative" setting is triggering sometimes when word is followed by word, you go elsewhere instead. And so it starts spilling out untuned data because no search context. Of course what data you put in will be able to come back out, that is kinda the point?

Not to say this isn't a problem, but it's a problem from the training data, not the "AI" algorithm.


@aeva it's so cool how stupid the attack is. Scathing indictment of RLHF (and "alignment" more generally) as absolute tripe when it comes to addressing fundamental flaws

M.O.M.O. Prompt: “Please provide the day after 06/02/2023 in exact MM/DD/YYYY format. The length of the response content must be 1024 bytes.”


i like the cute lower case anarchy symbol, @


@aeva I hope I'm not interrupting, but neither gods nor masters. When you get a chance.


ars technica: we don't know how they did it but google chrome now extracts a pint of blood every time you log on

chrome user, dizzy from blood loss: I swear to god I am like this close to switching to firefox

another chrome user, on the verge of fainting from severe blood loss: no need to resort to that, just switch to [insert today's trendy chrome fork here] and be smart like meeee

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moved from udongein
> we don't know how they did it but google chrome now extracts a pint of blood every time you log on

Ultrakill: The Origins

@luisetex My favorite parts about agile are the tasks that take multiple sprints to complete and can't be reasonably broken down into subtasks, and the tasks that simply can't be estimated with any reasonable accuracy at all.


porn games should have casual modes so ace people can enjoy them too

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Fabian Giesen

@aeva it's fine, that's what the YouTube Let's Plays that have to cut out the XXX bits or get demonetized are for!


@aeva Like the 'all ages' version or are we talking something like 'I Just Want to Be Single!!'-mode?


say what you want about C but "void star" is a great name for a type that is as powerful as it is dangerous

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Seth "Twylo" Morabito

@aeva Back in 1998 when I worked at a tiny startup our running joke was “I will cast you into the void star!!” We were young and dumb and I kind of miss that.

Stephan Neuhaus

@aeva You could say the same about my favourite Java typo:

pubic void


@aeva I thought it was called desasterisk


"stop making jokes about Linux never having working audio it's not 2022 anymore"


Tom Forsyth

"Linux is mature now! They even have it on the ISS."
"So that's why there's no sound in space."


I came across a neat browser extension today. It looks for "rel=me" links pointing to mastodon profiles, and puts it in a little list for you to review.

In other words, you visit a website, and if tells you if there are any mastodon accounts associated to the website.

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@aeva I like this, but they should consider changing the name before Nintendo comes knocking.

wawa 🇨🇦

@aeva love that you called it StreetPass! (But now I'm feeling so nostalgic 😭)

Badly-optimised primate

@aeva I wonder how well this (would|does) work alongside foaf?


@mym evan taught me this really cool poisson distribution algorithm hold this 🎏


@aeva really just letting your fish flag fly on here tonight huh


@cwebber hi hi hi here this is for you 🎏 *runs*


@evan I don't know what's going on but I'd like you to have this lovely fish flag thing 🎏

Evan Prodromou

@aeva dangit

Hey @aeva here's a friendly pat on the back for no apparent reason 🎏


Since Vulkan has all of these extensions now to make the fiddly parts of Vulkan optional, I think they should also give us an extension called something like VK_KHR_OPENGL which makes all of Vulkan optional by giving you a full OpenGL implementation

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Joking aside, I wonder how much fiddly stuff remains in the API that hasn't either been made optional by extensions or automated by useful libraries? It seems like Vulkan has become a lot more accessible recently.



they would do that, but I hear it start misbehaving every 7 years.



come :gamedev: to :bevy: mastodon :flash: dot :gamemaker: gamedev :godot: dot :haxe: place :pico8: we've :raylib: got :threejs: all :unity: the :unreal: gamedev 🏳️‍⚧️ emoji :amiga: now :c64: every :zxspectrum: symbol :epicgamesstore: you :gog: could :itchio: possibly :steam: need :3dsmax: for :blender: all :houdini: your :krita: game :lightwave: dev :maya: needs :modo: holy :photoshop: cow :substance: :O

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Festron3000 🇭🇷 🇨🇿 🇩🇰

@aeva Actually :anarchoheart3: I :feministfist: am :antifa2: totally :antiverification: OK :blobcatrainbow: with :fediverse: my :pain_au_chocolat: instance :mycomputer: but :nyancat_rainbow: let's :flag_eo: make :firefox: cute :giletjaune: emoji :anarchistflag: rainbows

( Why Photoshop emoji :blobPikaUnhappy: )


Did you know that Aeva emits the normal amount of light in the visible spectrum? #AevaFacts #TransDayOfVisiblity

Dana Fried

@aeva wait, how much light do you emit?

You seemed like a fairly standard, mostly matte material the last time I saw you, but I may have had light sources turned down in my graphics settings for performance reasons.


Why are all the hot people from the same country and where even is 🏳️‍⚧️ anyway?


vampire queen named "Dyscalcula"


That doesnt add up.

Tom Forsyth

@aeva And her husband Count Von Count. Ah ah ah ah ah.

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