@aeva This really isn't that surprising. Roll a 20 sided die a hundred times, there most likely will be some 20s.
If I had to guess, the "creative" setting is triggering sometimes when word is followed by word, you go elsewhere instead. And so it starts spilling out untuned data because no search context. Of course what data you put in will be able to come back out, that is kinda the point?
Not to say this isn't a problem, but it's a problem from the training data, not the "AI" algorithm.
@aeva We've had this issue from the moment big companies use the pile and other such sources to build these. No amount of engineering can fix this issue, because the ai becomes useless as an information/idea/concept search if it truly has no base.
What these big companies really should be doing is spending a lot of money making fresh training data, from scratch. But we are talking like billions of writing/drawing assignments that can't be used elsewhere. I don't think any can afford to.