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841 posts total

Sing your heart out, share moments and much more with Video Stories.

Available Soon


@pixelfed Someone's gonna create a meme video instance modelled after TikTok

Pope Rigby

@pixelfed are the AR glasses from Pixelfed? If so that's awesome.


Federated Filters and Tagging People have been successfully tested and will roll out later this week! 🥳


Alberto Ⓥ

@pixelfed any news about mobile usage? I remember these good days when we can use Fedilab and upload photos from our phones.


The new Post UI will be rolling out later this week!

Some highlights:

- Tagged People
- New Reply UI
- Improved Comment Threading
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Profile preview cards
- Live Comment Mode

#pixelfed #pixeldev

David Chartier

@pixelfed These sound like nice updates, but I ask this with love and also as a non-developer who acknowledges that I know next to nothing about managing projects like this:

How is the API and mobile app situation doing? And how many times has the posting UI been redesigned?

Is it worth considering whether efforts are being overspent in some places?


@pixelfed Hopefully this new update includes fixes for federated replies and comments problems.


The Tag feature is ready.

It will be shipping tomorrow! 🥳

#pixelfed #tag #tagPeople


Hello Tag, a new feature that allows you to publicly or privately tag people and accounts in your posts.

Think of it like a mention but with more privacy!

It will be rolling out later this week, we look forward to your feedback.

#pixelfed #tagPeople

مصطفی آهنگرها

When can I import my Instagram photos automatically into my pixelfed account?

Diplom Flausch/Dave™

@pixelfed @dansup Is there an option where I can say "Never ever let somebody tag me"? Because I do not want anybody else than myself to be able to put the explicit data point "Dave is in this image" out on the internet.

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Jacob Gonzales

@pixelfed can you allow .mov video format on the site and for some reason uploading .mp4 from iPhone to pixelfed gives a error


We have some exciting news 🎉

Grid mode for Timelines will be shipping later today!

It's a new layout for Timelines built for better browsing and a more simple, not so distracting design. 🥳

#pixelfed #pixeldev


Notifications now support tooltips with image previews!

Now you can know what post someone liked without leaving the page.

#pixelfed #pixeldev


We shipped a new feature!

Recent Posts displays up to 6 posts on existing posts, making it easier for people to discover your amazing content. 🥳

We have many more exciting features in development. #pixelfed

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marathon 🇨🇦 :verified:

@pixelfed Your product might be a good replacement for all them ex-G+ers. 👍


@pixelfed I'm really enjoying it. Too bad Brazilians haven't discovered this social networking wonder yet.


It's been 2 years since the logo contest!

We received a lot of great entries, it was hard to pick a winner. #pixelfed


Nice work. Can you tell me, when the mobile app comes out?


@pixelfed wow each of those designs looks great , we have amazing talents in the #opensource community !


Hello Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈

We will be sharing :pixelfed: posts using the #pixelfedPride hashtag every day this month. #lgtbq


Loops was launched a year ago as an experiment with short looping videos like TikTok and Vine.

We have redesigned this feature and can't wait to share it with you! #pixelfed #loops

Jazzyboy :solus: :vim: :linux:

@pixelfed will it ever support audio? So people can emulate all of the absurdity of TikTok videos 😂


Live Notifications will be shipping later this week!

You will hear this sound on timelines, posts and profiles when you get a new notification 🚀



Leaner and Cleaner

The new MicroUI empowers a wider range of fediverse activity and interactions.

Shipping Soon! #pixelfed


@pixelfed Will there ever be a way to make the photos center of attention in the UI, more like flickr does it? I really like the project but I'm uncomfortable of taking taking a 24MP photo with a full frame camera, and then showing it on a 4096x2160 px screen in a 680x380 px size.

Bob Fisher

@pixelfed El diseño de las publicaciones tipo marco Polaroid, le sienta genial a la página para mostrar fotografías. Gran trabajo. 😀👍


@pixelfed But since the last update, federation doesn't work anymore. So... :iosrolleyes:


Hey @peertube, congrats on the v3 campaign!

We're improving PeerTube support in Pixelfed and can't wait to PeerTube and chill 😎

Stay Awesome ❤️


Just a reminder that we are removing the old ComposeUI next week! #pixelfed #ComposeUI


We have received many bug reports regarding Instagram Import.

We have paused development on other features to resolve these bugs.


Import from Instagram is disabled by default during the beta.

If your Account Settings has an Import link, you can use this feature!

Matt Panhans

@pixelfed Hi, I've just set up a PixelFed instance. What do I need to do to enable Import on my instance? I tried adding IMPORT_INSTAGRAM=true to the config file, but that didn't seem to do it.


We are preparing to release Instagram Import.

Download your export from Instagram so you are ready when it launches! #pixelfed


Do you have some news about the import ? Thank you :)

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