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12 posts total
Peter Gleick

Dear journalists, if you're writing/publishing/broadcasting about the Los Angeles wildfires and you don't mention the role of #climate change, you're not doing your full job.

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"Tell the truth of the suffering and the dying.

Do not hide from it or pretend it does not exist.

Confront it and end its cause."

Martin Vermeer FCD

@petergleick Compulsive thought every time when seeing those visuals. Having studied it becomes a curse. Resisting thinking "you had it coming" 😬

Inch :verified:

@petergleick Also im #Sat1 #Fruhstucksfernsehen hat der "Brandexperte" Ralf Möller gesagt, die BĂŒrgermeisterin sei Schuld. Also zumindest daran, dass nicht genug Wasser zum Löschen da ist

Peter Gleick

This seems like kind of a big story.

Canadian PM Trudeau said under oath that Russia is funding Tucker Carlson & Jordan Peterson

“We’ve recently seen that RT is funding bloggers
such as Jordan Peterson
Tucker Carlson
to amplify messages that are destabilizing democracies”

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It's only a big deal if those we've elected to be defenders nut up and defend. If they don't fulfill that duty, they're at least as much of a problem as the external threats themselves.


@petergleick I don't think we need somebody to be under oath to tell us this.


@petergleick Ah yes, tucker carlson... the same weirdo who when he was on fox was pretending to be angry for the M&Ms brand slightly changing their animated candy saying that he wouldn't be turned on by them.

Why does anyone take him seriously?

He is like trump, only smarter. But both of them are huge jokes if they didn't get taken seriously.

The dead horse of a joke has been pushed uphill enough... can't people just use a little bit of intelligence to realize they aren't worth trusting.

Or is the ego of their supporters just too big to admit they made a mistake supporting these nutcases.


@petergleick Ah yes, tucker carlson... the same weirdo who when he was on fox was pretending to be angry for the M&Ms brand slightly changing their animated candy saying that he wouldn't be turned on by them.

Why does anyone take him seriously?

He is like trump, only smarter. But both of them are huge jokes if they didn't get taken seriously.

Peter Gleick

3 Mile Island Unit 1 is a 50-year-old, out of date, dangerous, poorly designed, #nuclear power plant. It hasn't generated electricity for 5 years. The only way #Microsoft can afford to restart the reactor and use its electricity is if it is not paying the full costs of the risk of operating it, the cost of decommissioning it, the cost of dealing with the nuclear waste, and the risk of accidents. Who is going to pay for those costs? The public.

Steve Thompson PhD


Not that it matters, but I managed the Radiation Department briefly as Unit 2 shut down.

Peter Gleick

Can we pause what we're doing for just a minute to appreciate what a stunning technological achievement this is?

"First ever rocks from the Moon’s far side have landed on Earth. Scientists are eager to work on Chang’e-6 rock samples"

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@petergleick I’m glad that the rocks landed safely! So many questions about the far side of the moon and why it’s so different from the near side. Contrasting this with the Apollo samples will make some planetary scientists very happy!



Yes, definitely a great achievement.

Collected and returned is probably more accurate.

I am pretty sure moon rocks have landed on Earth before due to large rocks striking the moon.


@petergleick A stunning contrast to the Boeing Starliner snafu.

Peter Gleick

As more mainstream media open accounts here on Mastodon, try to follow them. As they build up audiences here, it will make it easier for them to abandon that Xhit site over there.

Does anyone have a list of good media accounts here?

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@petergleick Sounds good to me as long as they won’t turn all timelines into a never-ending play-by-play of what Trumpf said or did. The US is tiring AF, and Trumpf might be the most tiring of all.

M. Grégoire

@petergleick I have a list for Canadian media here:

Haven't been any updates for a while now...

Peter Gleick

A turning point. Mastodon is a far better source of information on the Russian situation now than Twitter. Follow the Russia and Ukraine hashtags.

Peter Gleick

Climate scientists, every goddam day.

"We are in the midst of the longest, saddest, most excruciating and unsatisfying I TOLD YOU SO in the history of the world."


Nothing strokes the ol' ego quite like a holier-than-thou instance on the pitfalls of human nature

Peter Gleick

You know how the Republicans are cutting the costs of social security and Medicare? They're killing off the elderly.

US life expectancy plummeted.

Peter Gleick

And not just the elderly, but our children.

Childhood’s Greatest Danger: The Data on Kids and Gun Violence

Peter Gleick

Twitter vs. Mastodon
I posted this graph on Twitter (to 95,000 followers) & Mastodon (with 1/10th the followers).
I got double the likes/boosts on Mastodon. On Twitter I got dozens of ugly replies from climate deniers & trolls. On Mastodon I got polite & interesting questions.

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@petergleick one of the replies is some Russian troll clown who blames Russian war crimes and mass murder of civillians in Ukraine on the US! The same people always point fingers at Hamas deliberate carpet bombing of Ashdod and saying that's OK because those are good rebels. He's one of those who claim Russians looting and genociding neighbors are world peace and the US are baddies


@petergleick very interesting graph, thanks 🙂


@petergleick Hey Peter I shared this on Twitter to my followers ... I purged followers there and then locked it down. Slays me how many people are just digging in over there. oh well

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Ellis Wyatt

@petergleick What happened before that 800k years and why (other than that's as far back as ice samples go) did you decide that was the place to start?

Nicole Parsons


When the volcanic eruptions in the Siberian Traps occurred it triggered the Permian Extinction.

Over 80% of marine species went extinct. Over 70% of land species went extinct.

CO2 levels today are climbing to those levels.

The oil industry is funding fascism because they possess the best climate forecasters and know what's coming.

Arnan de Gans

@petergleick so we go from dotted graph to drawn in graph?

Peter Gleick

@MarkRuffalo thanks Mark. You're bottom button isn't buttoned.

Peter Gleick

To supplement my last toot of 800,000 years of CO2 data, here's a graph of the past 2000 years for CO2, methane, and nitrous oxide (all greenhouse gases, measured in parts per million) again showing the effect of human activities driving up the concentrations. These are the gases driving #climate change.

A graph of 2000 years showing atmospheric concentrations of CO2, methane, and nitrous oxide, with dramatic increases since the industrial revolution.
Carlo Gubitosa :nonviolenza:

@petergleick I'm amazed by the techniques adopted to infere the data backwards in time...

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