Clojure Sublimed pretty-printing results. Implemented completely in Python, no clojure.pprint dependency (yes, I like yak shaving, why do you ask?) Clojure Sublimed Socket REPL adventures: when evalating whole buffer, socket repl now can report result of every form separately, unlike nREPL! Michelin intro to Datalog using DataScript as example? I’ll take it! Is mastodon website making sounds? How do I turn them off? I have all notifications disabled @nikitonsky You can disable sound in notifications in the web interface in your account settings. I’m surprised there are almost no keyobards that do that. Seems so obvious (move mouse closer if right-handed)! @nikitonsky no need for numpad at all if you can use layers on your home row @nikitonsky I have this beauty from DSI: It was a pleasure to use; accessing arrow keys and mouse simultaneously comes pretty handy! Improving on Github design (top) in @RoamResearch. I claim that our activity map (bottom) is cleaner and easier to read, while using exactly the same colors and overall space. It’s hard to unsee how much unnecessary details there is in Github one. You know that the company takes cookies seriously when they require page reload when you close the banner I’m grateful for having built-in debugger in all modern browsers, but you can’t deny that this UI is an absolute nightmare. I have no idea what belongs to what and where to click. Firefox/Chrome/Safari (latter is a tiny bit cleaner) @nikitonsky Was that thing I need in Application, "More tools" or one of the tabs in Settings? Wait, that was Chrome and I'm looking at Firefox, it's probably one of the checkboxes in settings, if not then there's probably an about: url for it... or not. I just backed it and recommend you check it out, too. The amount of work and care seems astounding What an idea! Turn (almost) any Python command line program into a full GUI application with one line @nikitonsky i really love Input font. But that yellow highlight of function names is screaming into your face a bit too loud.
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Just soldered new keyboard! Helix rev3 with Kailh Choc V2 Low Profile Browns and NuPhy Coast Twilight keycaps. We’ll see how useful those rotary encoders can be (set for volume/scroll for now)
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It looks... different. I like that it's split and that you can move the parts independently of each other. But you only have a single Ctrl key on the left? And what do those rotary keys do? Thanks Since everybody got so curious: I have to improvise with keycaps because they are from “normal” keyboard and I can’t use 1.25u or 1.5u keys in mine. Cursor arrows are on a layer, but under a single hand (very convenient). Full layout at @nikitonsky Теперь внимание правильный ответ — Solving an advent of code problem using a compiler (and disassembler, and ChatGPT) Damn it! I had this very idea for a few years now, but haven’t got time. Well done! |