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822 posts total
Niki Tonsky

“Everything is a null-terminated string if you are brave enough”

— C++ programming manual

Niki Tonsky

Is println a debugger?

Anonymous poll


138 people voted.
Voting ended 27 Oct 2023 at 20:59.
Григорий Клюшников

It's a debugging technique. A valid one in many cases, but especially:
- when your code needs to run in real time and will break if you pause it in a debugger
- when you're running repetitive operations and using a debugger would be tedious
- when you're developing for a platform for which there's no debugger (embedded/bare metal)

Jordan Biserkov

@nikitonsky The Matrix is glitching, if you squint you can see the code...

Niki Tonsky

Meanwhile Google has collected 200+ Gb of data on me. And I don’t even use Android, Chrome, Search or Gmail, and my Youtube channel is super small


@nikitonsky insane. And how the hell you could hide from them…


@nikitonsky do you use google photos? I also requested my data in the time i used gmail and it was not that large

Niki Tonsky

Software Engineer Team Lead handbook


@nikitonsky Not fair. Now I want to read it and find out why! :-P

Andrew Helwer

@nikitonsky next time I see some knob careening down the street in a porsche I'll laugh that he's inside one of the 3 billion devices running java

Niki Tonsky

Choosing terminal should be scientific, so

UPD: kitty tabs, Alacritty search, Option+Arrows as “configurable”

UPD2: Added WezTerm, Preferences UI and pretty icon

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Nikita Galaiko

@nikitonsky kitty умеет и искать туда-сюда, и подсвечивать найденное. есть табы, сплиты из коробки тоже. option+arrows фиксятся в конфиге

Alex Trine

@nikitonsky true color support can be also a good feature. I recently switched from to iTerm because of this

Maksim Odnoletkov

@nikitonsky shift-return to search backwards in

Even better – cmd-g/cmd-shift-g to search forward/backward everywhere on the Mac. And cmd-e to seed the search with current selection

Niki Tonsky

With cold season approaching, time to switch to over-the-ears headphones

Nikita Karamov

@nikitonsky I personally disagree. With over-ear headphones on, most of my head is still exposed to the cold, and I can't wear a hat on top of them (like I can with the earbuds). In my case, it's almost the other way around 😅


@nikitonsky it depends. in winter first option is preferable, since you can wear a big winter hat on top

Niki Tonsky

Idea for Google SE interview: ask candidate how to switch website theme from light to dark when system theme changes, then hire those who can answer it

Andrew Helwer

@nikitonsky is this just testing whether they know about the currentColor CSS variable or something else

Niki Tonsky

Anyone working at Apple who can pass a word to the Calculator team? Tell them to turn ON case feature in the font

Niki Tonsky

What a year. We get new Fincher, new Scorcese and new Glazer! Polanski too, but he’s not serious this time

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The image shows a, "Maxell OC321-2 7GB 12" WORM (Write-Once Read-Many) Double Sided Optical Disk Cartridge" with a label saying, "node modules backup, part 1 of 278". I'm assuming 278 is the punch line, but you never know.

Niki Tonsky

One of the things I’m grateful in life is that I’m privileged enough not to use Slack nor Jira on regular basis.

Niki Tonsky

Just updated my site to basically look the same but on a new engine :) No sweat, fun little weekend project

Niki Tonsky

Turns out, even a few articles a year is a lot after a decade of blogging

Niki Tonsky

For a few years now, on macOS, background windows have been brighter than foreground ones. That’s how you can tell they can’t tell up from down anymore

Alex Zakhlestin

@nikitonsky "bright" is the wrong word. it's more contrasted (textures et al.). but it can become darker as the result

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