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Niki Tonsky

Choosing terminal should be scientific, so

UPD: kitty tabs, Alacritty search, Option+Arrows as “configurable”

UPD2: Added WezTerm, Preferences UI and pretty icon

Niki Tonsky

I was happy to see I wasn’t imagining Alacritty speed and responsiveness. Lack of features though...


@nikitonsky alacrity needs tmux, which is probably not as fast

Niki Tonsky

@sumek what do you mean “needs”? Needs for what?


@nikitonsky tmux can provide some of the features that Alacritty lacks


@nikitonsky for me the important ones was ability to split windows into panes, zoom a pane out to full window and zoom it back in, creating tabs, being able to move a pane to another tab/window

Sorry for not including more context in the initial response! Not sure if that is the kind of features you miss in Alacritty


@nikitonsky feels fast - but I wasn't testing it like you do and has build in some of the features that were important to me that Alacrity lacks like splitting window into panes

Jonathan Fischer

@nikitonsky Option + Click in is pretty sweet too. I'm ashamed to admit I use it in vim all the time. 😬

Niki Tonsky

@nihilistsf It’s first time I hear about it! From initial testing, not that fast


@nikitonsky iTerm2 has Option+Arrows. Can't remember the name of the setting. Natural Keys in Profile?



(Not at the computer right now).

It's "Natural Text Editing", and enabled through a preset

Nikita Galaiko

@nikitonsky kitty умеет и искать туда-сюда, и подсвечивать найденное. есть табы, сплиты из коробки тоже. option+arrows фиксятся в конфиге

Niki Tonsky

@ngalaiko покажи как искать? все что я нашел это отдать весь буфер в другую программу

Nikita Galaiko


у него есть еще python api и можно писать всякие экстеншены. что я использую это симлес переключение между нативными сплитами в китти и сплитами в виме

документация у него тоже отличная

Alex Trine

@nikitonsky true color support can be also a good feature. I recently switched from to iTerm because of this

Alex Trine

@nikitonsky I do usually write code in neovim or helix editor. Looking at the code in 256-color themes is hard

Maksim Odnoletkov

@nikitonsky shift-return to search backwards in

Even better – cmd-g/cmd-shift-g to search forward/backward everywhere on the Mac. And cmd-e to seed the search with current selection

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