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When Facebook started, they bootstrapped networks by downloading & matching contacts from email. Twitter, and everyone else, did the same.

Threads is blowing up because Facebook is using their monopoly on the social graph. Legislation to guarantee easy, fast access to your own contact lists for use in non-billionaire-owned media would help level the playing field, because Zuck & co sure aren't going to give the connections they stole back to us otherwise.

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Half Cocked Law

@blaine yes, what we need is freely-distributed data on everyone's scraped internet presence.

Guillaume Ross

@blaine @IoanSaid That’s what everyone freaking out about Facebook APIs and sharing of social graph completely missed, it was massive lock in for Facebook to make this unavailable

Eric Jennings

@blaine Actually what’s funny to me about this is that Instagram got started by bootstrapping on Twitter’s social graph before Twitter realized they should lock that data down. Doubt Instagram would’ve taken off if they hadn’t piggybacked on Twitter’s social graph back in the day.

So the idea of Meta now making a Twitter competitor bootstrapped off Instagram is just the next level of sticking it to Twitter.

(Also Facebook shouldn’t have been allowed to buy Instagram.)


Someone should set up a third-party tool that mastodon/fediverse users can report abuse to. It should be staffed by people who are skilled at evaluating this stuff and who are paid to do it.

Recommendations/instructions to block instances/individuals could then be sent out to instance admins or even individual users (in an automated way), either as a collective or by subscription.

Or, rather, is anyone doing this already? #federatemoderation


Obviously, this is "just" RBLs and services like Block Together, but we have an opportunity to build better infrastructures to support this. It's not sustainable that individual instance operators are having to painstakingly share and maintain blocklists.


While everyone's being nostalgic about what Twitter means to them, I may as well add my two cents.

I didn't give birth to Twitter – that was Jack and Florian. But I was its midwife and adoptive mother; for two months in early 2007, I was the code's sole guardian and caretaker.

I was also the first person to hate Twitter; back when it was SMS-only, I did the math and realized that my immigrant prepaid phone plan would charge me $2000/year to send and receive even a 2006-era number of tweets. 🧵

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@blaine You can help build Mastodon into something that works better for all. I already like that it doesn't allow for such toxicity to spread.

David “the Talking Skull” Fox🌻

@blaine Oh yes! I forgot that the first iteration was SMS only. Thanks for your contribution to making Twitter real back then. Following you now to hear where you think the Fediverse is headed.

stefan 🙌

@blaine I hope @taylorlorenz sees this. These are the stories worth telling.


The media has been reporting a lot on mastodon, but often reports as though mastodon is the fediverse. I saw a well-intentioned article today that the platform started six years ago, but this erases the immense amount of work that many put into ActivityPub.

Having done standards work myself and learning that I am unable to manage the immense social pressures of coordinating divergent goals and stay happy, my hat's off to the dedicated folks who made the fediverse happen.

@cwebber 👏

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