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While everyone's being nostalgic about what Twitter means to them, I may as well add my two cents.

I didn't give birth to Twitter – that was Jack and Florian. But I was its midwife and adoptive mother; for two months in early 2007, I was the code's sole guardian and caretaker.

I was also the first person to hate Twitter; back when it was SMS-only, I did the math and realized that my immigrant prepaid phone plan would charge me $2000/year to send and receive even a 2006-era number of tweets. 🧵


But, eventually, I came to love it, and it's lived rent-free in my head ever since. In so many ways, it defines me as much as I want it not to. It's a relationship that's unreciprocated – the job will never love you back. A friend used to say that I didn't owe it anything, but ...


Twitter – the concept, not the collection of servers and contracts and code – is something so much bigger than a job. It's the most visceral representation of human communication and ideas that we've ever created. And how do you let *that* go? (no seriously, if you've got ideas!)


That's another aspect to this that is so poignant for me, personally. I tried to make Twitter better. I tried to make Twitter the fediverse, back in 2008, and after I failed, I left and tried to make the fediverse a thing without Twitter.

That was not an easy task. For a long time, I truly felt it was my fault, personally, that we failed. The enormity of Twitter became oppressive, because it was so obviously the wrong thing, corrupted from its potential by capital and a lack of imagination.


Seeing Mastodon and the fediverse succeed today is deeply gratifying and hopeful for me. It's imperfect and early, but watching thousands of people birth communities that they can nurture and shape and watch grow and evolve, after so many years hoping and dreaming of this ...


Well, it's not a feeling I can easily express. It feels like Spring. And the Winter, on Twitter – there's a feeling of loss, but also clarity. The trees laid bare, the bright snow on the ground. It's space for less, before something new.


A former job was at another Great Empire of Culture, from a previous century. I realized there that technology has more in common with the past than we admit. It, too, is a fashion industry. Styles and fame come and go, inevitably.


The constant is us: the communities we nurture, the culture we create. The space we cherish is just a vessel for those. It hasn't always been an easy ride, but I'm delighted that this place has been one of those cherished spaces, and proud of the role I played. ❤️🪺

Mitch Effendi (ميتش أفندي)

@blaine I call your era "The o_O era."

Thank you for your work — it defined my 20s, and helped me find my own kind in a new, unfamiliar, and otherwised cloistered city (Pittsburgh). Glad to see that the spirit of this early era lives on here, at Masto.

Chris Trottier

@blaine So Blaine, what are you working on nowadays?

Chris Trottier

@blaine @fission That's very interesting. For the past 5 years, I've been thinking that we need new ways to build online identity -- preferably so that it's nomadic.

idk replied to Chris
Leigh Honeywell

@blaine so many feels from this thread just as someone who was a _user_ for 15 years. Thank you for writing it 🙏


@hypatia that means a lot - thank you! ❤️🙏

Aeva Black :verified:

@blaine this is such a beautiful testament to what could have been — and what will be. I want to think society has learned a lesson from the corruption of capital and the harms of ad-driven design.

Even if only a few of us learned, I’ll cherish that found community.

Alan Langford

@blaine Will it help you get emotional distance from Twitter if I blame you for wrecking IRC?

If not just ignore me. 😂

Either way thanks for fixing it!

Kit Fenderson-Peters

@alan @blaine the lag got too bad and you had to wait for the server half the channel was on to time out and rejoin. 🤣


@blaine thanks for this glimpse into history and for caring so deeply about community. Hope for the future! (from a birdsite user since 2008 - 14 years! it was a good run)

Polychrome :clockworkheart:
@blaine were your early attempts to make a federated twitter involved with Diaspora / / GNU Social in some way?

Those were the precursors for our current ActivityPub based Fediverse, which Mastodon is a part of.
Baessando por ai!

@blaine what a amazing thread. Thank you for it, your work and vison 🥰

Jacek R

@blaine I’m an amateur, so forgive me, pls. But since you’re asking: your expertise and your vision are not gone. What’s gone is the TT era. It’s time to move on. In other words: your creativity is not dependent on the existence of TT. Allow yourself to descend deeper, on that visceral ladder.


@blaine twitter is not a place, its a people. Anywhere can be twitter.

Molly Cantrell-Kraig ✅

@blaine this has been the most difficult thing for me. I’ve been on TW for 13+ yrs, nurturing a diverse community of exceedingly intelligent, funny, kind ppl, from whom I learned much. “Replacing” that is impossible.


@blaine when you think about it like that it's no surprise that Twitter the idea took off right when cell phones started becoming ubiquitous

@blaine my sneakers used to hurt my feet but then i saw this infographic that said if you have a "high instep" you should lace them this special way. i tried it and my feet didn't hurt any more. if the internet had never been invented i would probably have sort feet still. my vision is that one day everyone will have feet that don't hurt.
Bill Childers

@blaine Thanks for caring about Twitter - and the fediverse, and for contributing to all of *this* stuff. Twitter's been a big part of my life - I've met a whole bunch of awesome people there. Thank you for helping make that happen.

Joey Van Deurzen

@blaine Twitter is how I got interested in tech more deeply. It’s how I got my internship on a U.S. Senate Campaign. And it’s how I was able to run for Wisconsin State Assembly as a 20 year old. I’m not sure how I’m feeling about it’s seemingly inevitable death, but I’m so thankful for all the opportunities it opened up for me.

@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:


FWIW, I love Twitter.

Yeah, it has changed over time.
And I don't like all the changes.

But it is still one of my favorites.

Part of why I like the user-experience of Mastodon is that it is Twitter-like.

I also have friends — that the only reason we are friends is that we chatted on Twitter first.

For a long time — it was the best source for me to find interesting stuff to read or watch. But, of course, you have to follow people who post on things you are interested in.


FWIW, I love Twitter.

Yeah, it has changed over time.
And I don't like all the changes.

But it is still one of my favorites.

Part of why I like the user-experience of Mastodon is that it is Twitter-like.

I also have friends — that the only reason we are friends is that we chatted on Twitter first.

Donncha Ó Caoimh

@blaine it's because of the SMS tweets that I developed a PHP script to post to Irish phone company websites that offered free online SMS texts. I used those to post to Twitter back in the day from my phone!

Mr. Scott Aron John Reynolds

@blaine ,Pin This & More Look Here Too On Most #Fediverse #Mastodon Profiles Too, & Stops It Dropping In Many #Toots Posting Sections Of All Accounts To Too :) 😀

Thanks For Kind Follow To Too :)

Welcome To Too :)

Mr. Scott Aron John Reynolds

@blaine ,Create An Pinned  📌📍 #Inductions / #Induction / #Introductions / #Introduction Too, Which Helps Others Find You/Us & Often We All Try Put In Pinned So They Don't Get Drowned Out By Yours/Ours MAIN Mastodon Posting Areas Too :) 😀

JOIN Happy #FF / Happy #FollowFriday ,Every #Fridays Obviously Too :) 😀


@blaine I’ve made so many great friends there. The block button makes for nice interactions. Block early block often was my motto. I’m lucky my friends from there are now here 🤗


@blaine @palafo I *knew* I had read that it started as SMS-only, and also that it was inspired by AIM away messages. Is the latter true, too?

Sco :progress: :flag_mm:

@blaine thank you for your part, and hard work. I had a great time there, even two months ago. It was great, could have been better, but worth the time there.


@blaine as #Mastodon scales up and outgrows its volunteer limits it’ll be interesting to see which viable funding model(s) emerge. Same with the brand and governance. Without an explicit hierarchy, an implicit one emerges, every time.


@blaine you were the caretaker when I joined them :) if twitter’s family it’s hanging with the wrong people at the moment.. but it’s still family.


I guess that's some part of the reason for the original character limit then?

It was 140 wasn't it? One sms in the USA? Ours was 160 in the UK, I think. I should check all this really. Memory is not eidetic in my case.

Andy McGuire 🐕

@marqle @blaine it was 140 everywhere. That meant that it had room (another 19 characters, after @) to include the username without having to truncate the tweet.


@asjmcguire @blaine ah that makes sense. I've lost touch with sms. I use Signal most of the time for friends and family.

ounɹq :lobsterc:

@blaine I really never understood the reason why US mobile operators charged for received SMS instead of sent SMS like in Europe.


@nosuchuser I got a really cynical answer from a telco exec once (because even charging to send is a horrible theft): "That billing infrastructure was *expensive*" 😡

ounɹq :lobsterc:

@blaine yeah, back in the time it cost zero to send/receive as it was almost out of band and reused the signaling infra. at some point, that became obsolete and now SMS is being delivered over IP - as everything else, to be honest . And telco HW companies keep milking the cow selling and licensing SMS<>IP gateways to maintain legacy.


What a wonderful thread.

I like the imagery that here on Mastodon it feels like Spring, green hopeful shoots.

Whereas on Twitter it feels like winter.


@blaine You can help build Mastodon into something that works better for all. I already like that it doesn't allow for such toxicity to spread.

David “the Talking Skull” Fox🌻

@blaine Oh yes! I forgot that the first iteration was SMS only. Thanks for your contribution to making Twitter real back then. Following you now to hear where you think the Fediverse is headed.

stefan 🙌

@blaine I hope @taylorlorenz sees this. These are the stories worth telling.

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