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Hello computer smart humans of mastodon! I would like to start using less google products in the future because google is scarier than I realized when I started using google for everything like 10 years ago. Right now I'm thinking about replacing Google docs and Google drive as a whole if I can. What I need:
-Word processor with said words saved to the cloud somewhere
-Access on both android phone and PC
-Free if possible?
-whatever privacy I can get?

Do y'all have any recommendations? @ajroach42 gave me some on Saturday but I've forgotten what he said lol.

Hello computer smart humans of mastodon! I would like to start using less google products in the future because google is scarier than I realized when I started using google for everything like 10 years ago. Right now I'm thinking about replacing Google docs and Google drive as a whole if I can. What I need:
-Word processor with said words saved to the cloud somewhere
-Access on both android phone and PC
-Free if possible?
-whatever privacy I can get?


@TaxDan @ajroach42 oooo google removal is one of my specialties. first question: would using a more basic rich text editor and saving your files to dropbox or something similar suit your needs?

Andrew (R.S Admin)

@TaxDan The trick is that you don't want to self host.

If you're willing to self host, there's lots of stuff.

I use nextcloud for dropbox and hedgedoc as a text editor.


I would like all technology to be Dan understandable with Dan amounts of effort to do so. Mastodon has met that requirement so far!


I've been on here since 2017 and I don't think it took too too long for me to get the hang of it as I recall. I needed some coaching from Andrew at the very beginning but not as much as I have needed coaching for other things.

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