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@pearlbear @brainwagon Heh.. nah. just this year I started using two domains out of the 40 I have for active projects.. domains that I first reserved over 10 years ago.. so obviously it was worth it!! :pdx_badge:

My domain provider used to give me a free WordPress site. Next month they start charging......... $12 a month.!

Max Pearl

In honor of Yukihiro Takahashi's recent death, I'm listening to what was, in the 80s, one of my fave albums of Yellow Magic Orchestra: BGM.

Max Pearl

I've been reading and thinking a lot about what's been happening on #mastodon around questions and issues of #racism, #moderation, #contentwarnings, etc. I have a few thoughts.

First, I'm old. I mean OLD. My first internet experiences were as an adult academic in the mid-late 80s. As a Black person (and at the time, a woman) it was not unusual to be met with micro-agressions, harassment, and incredulity when I was online.

Thus, I have never expected, nor found, truly safe space online. 1/

Max Pearl

That said, I have found, and relish, safer spaces. And I have tried to work toward fostering those spaces. I was on #mastodon in 2018, but spent little time here, primarily because few of my peeps were here. But I did enjoy browsing, and I also did notice how white it was.

I wish that we had not spent so much investment in corporate social media so that these conversations could have happened earlier. They might have been able to have been addressed more fully with some spaciousness. 2/

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