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1 post total
Brendan Jones

Can somebody help me understand this please: why would we ever give out carbon credits for not chopping down a forest? “Here’s a forest we shouldn’t cut down anyway. Because we’re not cutting it down, now you can burn more fossil fuels!”


@Brendanjones There is a classic often reposted letter to the editor where a farmer wanted to get into the business of not farming.

I want to not cut down trees, and get paid for it.

Can I get paid for not burning down houses too? How about not torching cars?


> why would we ever give out carbon credits for not chopping down a forest?

The "owner" of the forest would say,: Because it's my forest and I can get money for chopping it down and selling its bits. I'll stop if you pay me enough.

I would say: Because that's a threat of extortion, yet somehow we don't have the courage to make it illegal to chop down forests that would be useful carbon sinks.

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