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87 posts total
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
oh, you code? that's so neat! hey i got a cool app idea. it could be the next facebook if you were to help me make it. it uses the blockchain and ai to
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
Segmentation fault
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Segmentation fault
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
I think it's really funny that Apple's HQ is a literal walled garden
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
twitter: *shits itself*
reddit: you know that looks like a really great idea i should do it too
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
rest api? yes pls how to use it, i feel super tired rn
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
> GET /catgirl
< HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
< Content-type: text/catnoises
< nya? :3

> HEADSCRITCH /catgirl
< HTTP/1.1 102 Processing...
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
> GET /
< HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed

> NYA /
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-type: application/catgirl
< nya!
Arch :arch:


> GET /bottom
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-type: application/password
< jFZzp4tQhBnmDdt7mPXypCs2A
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
> POST /posts

< HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
< Content-type: text/plain
< Please stop you've been posting way too much you need to go to sleep
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
> GET /

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-type: text/plain
< why don't you GET some bitches
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
7 minutes ago: suya~

3 minutes ago: ok so [long infodumpy post]
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
Everyone on fedi is their pfp, even when proven otherwise
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
I just had a really good lunch so I think deliciousness should count twice for me
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
Trans Day of Not Remembering Anything (it's every day because she has ADHD)
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
is it really forced feminization if you don't need to be forced into it
sarah 🦦

@astrid no but its hotter if you pretend

Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
neurotypicals want to use LLMs to expand emails into a "formal" thing and then summarize them to get to the point because the email needs to sound "polite" and "formal." Somehow, despite all this, they think neurodivergent people are the weird ones
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
You boost your old posts because they're funny.

I boost my old posts because I'm out of content and need to feel validated by reliving my old glory.

We are not the same.
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