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87 posts total
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
a papers-please-like, where the core mechanic is code review
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
carbon 14 has a half life of 5,730 years, but that doesn't tell you anything unless you can figure out how much carbon 14 was in this critter before it died. atmospheric c14:c12 ratios change over time! make sure to check the calibration curves to determine a calendar age of the sample.
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
please fund public transit
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
lemme just borrow ur account for one second bro just one second bro trust me bro I'll give it back I won't do any changes bro just trust me bro just
Dave Anderson

@astrid I'd be so curious to nerf all my permissions on everything and then hand it over to see what they try to do. Not going to though, because yeah, that's a trap. But I'm curious what the attack is.

Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
rj45 is such a funny connector if you think about it. it was designed for telephone switching in the 70s and 80s and it actually is fairly reasonably designed for a telephone signal connector. But it became used for Ethernet, and more Ethernet, and faster signals, and now we're able to send 10gbps down this little 8 pin jack from the 70s, and I'm surprised that it still works for this purpose
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
astrid: "you have a cute name!"
astrid: "thanks! i took it from you!"
: "what do you mean?"
: "wait a minute"
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
one of the libraries underpinning the Linux graphics ecosystem is called the GNU is Not Unix Image Manipulation Program Tool Kit. It is primarily used by GNU is Not Unix Network Object Model Environment. GTK's primary competitor (qt) was created by a company called Trolltech, and qt is the primary library of the Kool Desktop Environment.

All of these bind to the X window system, which is named that way because it's the successor to the W window system, which was the window system of the V operating system. It is currently being succeeded by a window system named after a town in Massachusetts.
one of the libraries underpinning the Linux graphics ecosystem is called the GNU is Not Unix Image Manipulation Program Tool Kit. It is primarily used by GNU is Not Unix Network Object Model Environment. GTK's primary competitor (qt) was created by a company called Trolltech, and qt is the primary library of the Kool Desktop Environment.
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
the good ol "i want to make something but i don't know what to make" feelings
Astrid (Certified Server Maid)

call me a Box<dyn Future> the way you need to pin!() me down first before you can make me do things

Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
huh, they added a lot more of them while i was away
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